我们是一家专注于外贸出口的企业,因业务发展需要,现诚聘一名包装制版员加入我们的团队。 We are an international trading company specializing in exports. Due to business expansion, we are seeking a Packaging Prepress Specialist to join our team.
岗位职责: 1 熟悉外贸出口包装的基本要求,能够根据客户需求进行包装排版和制作; Understand the basic requirements of export packaging and create layouts according to customer specifications; 2 使用平面设计软件处理唛头、条形码、水洗标、警告语等内容的排版; Use graphic design software to process layouts for shipping marks, barcodes, care labels, warning texts, etc.; 3 如果具备一定设计能力,能够独立制作产品勾线图优先考虑; Create product line drawings (preferred) if you have basic design skills; 4 能够设计并制作产品的安装说明,确保内容清晰直观; Design and produce product installation instructions with clear and intuitive content (preferred); 5 熟悉包装制版流程,确保输出文件符合印刷及生产标准。 Ensure prepress files meet printing and production standards.
职位要求/Responsibilities 1. 专业技能:具备平面设计基础,熟练使用软件(如 Adobe Illustrator、Photoshop 等); Technical Skills: Basic graphic design skills and proficiency in software like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.; 2. 细致负责:对细节有高度敏感性,确保排版内容的准确性; Attention to Detail: High sensitivity to details to ensure layout accuracy; 3. 英语能力:具备一定的英语沟通与理解能力,能阅读和处理外文信息者优先; English Proficiency: Basic English communication and comprehension skills are a plus for processing foreign-language materials; 4. 设计能力:有勾线图或简单图形设计能力者优先; Design Capability: Ability to create line drawings or basic graphics is preferred; 5. 经验要求:有外贸出口包装排版经验者优先。 Experience: Prior experience in export packaging layout and prepress is an advantage.
如果你热爱设计、注重细节,并希望在外贸包装领域施展才华,请发送个人简历及相关作品至 [招聘邮箱]。 If you are passionate about design, detail-oriented, and eager to contribute to the export packaging field, please send your resume and portfolio to [Recruitment Email].
期待你的加入,为我们的团队注入更多创意与力量! We look forward to having you on board to bring more creativity and expertise to our team!