Job Responsibilities: 工作职责: 1) 开展电池碳足迹核算和审核,以及产品声明周期评价项目, 收集、分析数据、建模和编写报告 2) 根据欧盟新电池法,核查与分析企业尽职调查和电池回收情况,编写评估报告 3) 与业务团队配合,评估客户的需求,并提供相关技术方案、参与客户的技术沟通会议 任职要求: 1. 学历要求:环境科学、能源管理、化学等相关专业本科及以上学历。 2. 工作经验:有碳足迹核算、环境审计、体系审核等相关领域的工作经验者优先。 3. 专业技能:熟悉碳足迹核算标准与方法(如ISO 14064、ISO14040、ISO 14067和 GHG Protocol等),具备数据分析和报告编写能力。 Qualifications & Abilities: 身体健康,无相关职业病禁忌,能提供合格的体检报告 Be in good health, have no contraindications to relevant occupational diseases and be able to provide a qualified medical report. 具备碳排放核查和能源管理相关的资质证书会被优先考虑 With Carbon emission verification and energy management related qualifications will be preferred. 能够正确使用个人防护装置,了解相关化学品危害及处置要求,遵守当地以及客户现场有关EHS的法律法规要求。 Be able to use personal protective equipment correctly, understand the relevant chemical hazards and disposal requirements, and comply with local and customer site EHS-related legal and regulatory requirements. Personal qualities (if have) 个人品质(如有) 1. 责任心:能够主动承担工作任务,并对自己的工作结果负责。 Responsibility: The ability to take initiative and be accountable for one's tasks and results. 2. 团队合作:具备良好的团队意识,能够与同事协作,共同完成目标。 Teamwork: A strong sense of teamwork, with the ability to collaborate with colleagues to achieve shared goals. 3. 沟通能力:能够清晰、有效地与他人沟通,表达自己的想法和理解他人的观点。 Communication Skills: The ability to communicate clearly and effectively, expressing ideas and understanding others' viewpoints. 4. 适应能力:能够灵活应对工作中的变化和挑战,快速适应新环境。 Adaptability: The ability to adjust to changes and challenges in the workplace and quickly adapt to new environments. 5. 时间管理能力:能够合理安排和调配时间,确保工作按时完 Time Management: The ability to organize and allocate time effectively to ensure tasks are completed on schedule.