职责描述: 1. 按时完成月度、季度结账,确保公司成本信息合理、合法、合规。 Complete the monthly, quarterly and yearly closing on time. Ensure the high qualities and timeliness of finance report. 2. 完成工厂各项指标分析(销售额、材料成本、人工成本、物流成本、经费使用、库存周转率、质量成本、新产线稳定性等),及时提供有价值的分析、及改善建议。 Complete each KPI calculation and analysis (sales revenue, material cost, labor cost, logistics cost, expense spending, DIO, Q cost, new machine status, etc.). And support each business department, provide valuable analysis and improvement suggestions in time. 3. 完成滚动预测,分析风险与机会,并提出合理建议,确保工厂年度目标的达成。 Complete the rolling forecast, analysis the risk and chance, and provide the suggestions. Ensure the annual target can be achieved. 4. 制定公司下一年度预算计划以及未来5年长期规划,支持各事业部,合理管控公司的各项成本、经费支出。 Develop the company's budget plan for the next year and the long-term plan for the next 5 years, support all business divisions, and reasonably control the company's cost and expenditure. 5. 负责工厂相关主档数据审核、标准成本计算、比对差异及分析,提出异常点,并推动及时改善。 Responsible for the management of the master data confirmation, standard cost calculation, comparison and analysis. Issue the gap and push to improve. 6. 按时按质完成领导安排的其他工作。 Finished others task leader’s arrangement on time.
任职要求: 1. 本科以上学历,财务专业 Bachelor degree or above,major in financial 2. 大型制造业企业从事成本分析经验3年以上,有ERP系统经验,SAP为佳 Minimum 3 years management experience in large manufacturing enterprise, experience in ERP system, SAP is preferred 3. 基本的英语读写能力 Basic English ability in reading and writing 4. 熟练使用各项办公软件 Good command of office software (Excel and PPT)