1、负责与设计院、地产集团等建立并保持良好的沟通,有效推广公司品牌、技术和产品;Responsible for establishing and maintaining good communication with design institutes, real estate groups, etc., effectively promoting the company's brand, technology, and products 2、与设计院开展交流推广活动,比如技术交流会等;Carry out communication and promotion activities with the design institute, such as technical exchange meetings. 3、了解项目信息、市场信息及地方规范标准,为公司提供分析和决策的基础信息;Understand project information, market information, and local regulatory standards to provide the company with basic information for analysis and decision-making; 4、根据公司年度销售目标,完成设计院上图和品牌入围,协助工程项目对接等;According to the company's annual sales target, complete the design institute's drawings and brand nominations, assist in project coordination, etc; 5、完成上级交办的其他事宜Other matters assigned by the superior
任职要求: 1、良好的商务沟通和商务谈判技巧Business communication and business negotiation skills, good 2、具有较强的业务开拓能力Strong business development 3、熟悉设计院、设计师推广工作;有一定的设计院资源及设计院相关工作经历优先Familiar with design institutes and designer promotion work; Having certain design institute resources and relevant work experience in design institutes is preferred 4.、5年以上在建材企业从事同地产公司及精装公司集采业务的经验More than 5 years of experience in centralized procurement business with real estate companies and fine decoration companies in building materials enterprises 4.本科以上学历Bachelor degree or above