Job Description: 1. 检查、诊断和治疗眼睛的疾病和损伤,评估病人的病例史; Examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases and injuries of the eye,evaluates medical and surgical histories. 2. 评估视力和屈光状态,测量眼压,检查眼睛和附近组织; Assesses visual and refractive status, measures intraocular pressure, and examines the eye and addenda. 3. 安排必要的诊断程序和临床检验,解释检验结果,确定治疗方案,并与患者讨论; Performs necessary diagnostic procedures and clinical tests,interprets results, determines treatment plan, and discusses with patient. 4. 开具眼部药物处方; Prescribes and administers various ocular and systemic medications. 5. 根据需要安排会诊和病人转诊; Arranges for consults and patient transfers as needed. 6. 管理眼科服务,为眼科服务制定相关的计划流程和程序; Manages ophthalmological services. Formulates plans and procedures for ophthalmological services. 7. 为眼科用品和设备的种类和数量提供建议支持; Advises on kind and quantity of ophthalmological supplies and equipment. 8. 协调眼科服务与其他医疗活动; Coordinates ophthalmological services with other medical activities. 9. 与部门主任紧密合作并以支持部门的发展为目标; Will work closely with the Department Chairperson in supporting departmental goals 10. 科室主任所安排的其他工作职责。 May be granted additional responsibilities based on consultation with Department Chairperson.
职位要求: Job requirements: 1. 医学博士或经由委员会认证的同等学历; Doctor of medicine degree of equivalent completed from an accredited school of medicine 2. 完成眼科的全部培训和认证培训项目; Completed full training in Ophthalmology in an accredited training program; 3. 至少8年以上的临床眼科工作经验; At least 8 years of general Ophthalmology experience after residency. 4. 良好的组织能力,能够确定任务轻重缓急; Ability to organize and prioritize. 5. 中英双语沟通能力; Good communication skill in both English and Chinese. 6. 友好对待患者; Excellent bedside manner. 7. 有责任心,能够独立完成工作; Be responsible and able to work independently at most of the time. 8. 丰富的临床经验; Good clinical experience; 9. 坚持循证医学观点。 Evidence based medicine.