岗位职责: Purpose of position: 职位目的: 负责领导、计划和执行风力发电机的认证项目,确保产品满足国际、行业和客户的认证要求。项目工程师与跨职能团队协作,确保认证项目的高质量交付。 The Wind Turbine Certification Project engineer is responsible for planning, and executing certification projects, ensuring products meet international, industry, and customer requirements. She/he needs to collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver the certification on time with good quality.
任职要求: Job Responsibilities: 工作职责: - 领导认证项目:制定项目计划,确保认证活动按时、预算合规地完成。管理项目团队,协调资源,监督项目进展。 - 确保合规性:研究、了解并跟踪相关的国际和行业认证标准,确保产品设计、制造和测试流程符合适用要求。 - 主要评估职责:评估风力发电机的塔筒(钢塔,混合塔均可), 或者机械系统(例如齿轮、轴承、传动系统、塔筒壳体等,并撰写相关评估报告。 - 文档管理:撰写和维护与认证过程相关的所有文档,包括评估报告和合规文件。 - 解决问题:分析评估结果,识别并解决在认证过程中可能出现的问题。与客户紧密合作,实施必要的改进。 - 项目沟通:向内部团队和外部客户沟通认证进展,确保所有利益相关者了解项目状态。 - 风险管理:评估和管理与认证过程相关的风险,制定风险缓解策略,以减少项目延迟和成本超支的可能性。 - 持续改进:监控认证过程,识别提高效率和质量的机会,并制定持续改进计划。 - Lead Certification Projects: Develop project plans, ensure certification activities are completed on time, within budget, and in compliance. Manage project teams, coordinate resources, and oversee project progress. - Ensure Compliance: Research, understand, and track relevant international and industry certification standards, ensuring product design, manufacturing, and testing processes align with applicable requirements. - Major evaluation responsibility: Evaluate the steel/hybrid tower of wind turbines, or machinery parts which including gears, bearings, transmission systems, tower shell etc. Write evaluation reports. - Document Management: Write and maintain all documents related to the certification process, including evaluation reports and compliance documents. - Problem Solving: Analyze test results, identify and resolve issues that may arise during the certification process. Collaborate closely with customer to implement necessary improvements. - Project Communication: Communicate certification progress to internal teams and external customers, ensuring all stakeholders are informed of project status. - Risk Management: Evaluate and manage risks associated with the certification process, develop risk mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood of project delays and cost overruns. - Continuous Improvement: Monitor the certification process, identify opportunities to enhance efficiency and quality, and develop continuous improvement plans.
Key measures (or KPIs): 绩效考核指标: 根据项目的完成质量及数量 According to the quality and numbers of finished projects
Qualifications & Abilities: 资质和能力: - 力学、机械工程或相关领域的本科或以上学历。 - 熟悉或了解IEC 61400系列,DNV/GL guideline, DI, IIW, Eurocode等标准。 - 三年以上风力发电机组的机械部件/塔筒的设计及结构校核经验,一年以上项目管理方面的相关经验。 - 出色的沟通和协调能力,能够与多个团队和利益相关者有效合作。 - 解决问题的能力,在紧急情况下能够做出明智决策。 - 熟练使用项目管理工具和办公软件。 - 熟悉风电机组机械结构,深入理解机械部件的设计原则和分析方法,掌握有限元分析基础知识和方法。 - 熟练使用ANSYS, ANSYS WORKBENCH,HYPERMESH和HYPERVIEW, pro/E, nCode design life office等软件工具。 - 丰富的仿真分析经验和实际问题解决经验。 - 能够流利的使用英语表达和书写。 - Bachelor's degree or higher in mechanics, mechanical engineering, or a related field. - Familiar with or understand IEC 61400 series, DNV/GL guideline, DI, IIW, Eurocode and other standards. - 3 years machinery components / tower design and structural analysis of wind turbine generator system and 1 year proven project management track record. - Excellent communication and coordination skills, able to effectively collaborate with multiple teams and stakeholders. - Problem-solving skills, capable of making decisions in urgent situations. - Proficiency in using project management tools and office software. - Familiar with the mechanical structure of wind turbines, deeply understand the design principles and analysis methods of mechanical components, master the basic knowledge and methods of finite element analysis. - Skilled use of ANSYS, ANSYS WORKBENCH, HYPERMESH and HYPERVIEW, pro/E, nCode design life office and other software tools. - Rich experience in simulation analysis and practical problem solving. - Fluent in English and Chinese, oral and written. 5. 身体健康,无相关职业病禁忌,能提供合格的体检报告。 Be in good health, have no contraindications to relevant occupational diseases and be able to provide a qualified medical report. 6. 具备工作相关的资质证书。 Work-related qualifications. 7. 能够正确使用个人防护装置,了解相关化学品危害及处置要求,遵守当地以及客户现场有关EHS的法律法规要求。 Be able to use personal protective equipment correctly, understand the relevant chemical hazards and disposal requirements, and comply with local and customer site EHS-related legal and regulatory requirements.
出差程度: Travel frequency: 根据业务需要 Certain frequency traveling according to business needs