申请需要在公司管培生官网完成 专业要求:STEM专业 Over the two-year programme, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in three key areas of our FTSE 100 global engineering Group; Manufacturing, Commercial Sales and Business. One of these placements will be fully funded, in a country of your choice! Whilst undertaking challenging ‘real life’ roles and projects with purpose, you will be fully supported and developed into a leader of the future. 在为期两年的项目中,您将有机会深入了解我们作为FTSE100全球工程集团的三个关键领域:制造、销售及业务拓展。同时您将有机会获得由公司全额资助的海外轮岗机会!在承担具有实践意义的角色和项目的同时,您将得到全面的支持和发展。 At Spirax Group, we are engineering a more efficient, safer and sustainable world. Our One Planet, Engineering with Purpose Sustainability strategy is committed to developing innovative, sustainable technologies and solutions for our customers.If you’re driven and curious, you’re in the right place. We have operations in 66 countries including the UK, China, Germany, Argentina and the USA which you will have the incredible opportunity to discover for yourself. 斯派莎克集团致力于打造一个更高效、更安全和更可持续的世界。我们的“One Planet, Engineering with Purpose” 可持续战略致力于为客户开发创新的可持续技术和解决方案。如果您充满动力和好奇心,这里将是您的舞台。我们在包括英国、中国、德国、阿根廷和美国在内的66个国家开展业务,您将有机会亲自体验。 You choose your own path: 您的发展路径: With a focus on developing you into a leader in either a Commercial or Manufacturing function, you will be given some amazing opportunities to explore a huge variety of industries and business areas. Your fully funded, 6 month international placement will you give the chance to see another part of the world, immersing yourself in their culture, exploring another business area and collaborating with colleagues from across the world. 我们将致力于培养您成为未来商业或制造领域的领导者,在两年的时间里,您有机会在多种行业及商业领域内学习与探索。由公司全额资助的为期6个月的国际轮岗,将使您有机会沉浸了解不同的国家与文化,探索另一个业务领域,并与来自世界各地的同事合作。 You can get involved with our sustainability initiatives, from achieving net zero in 2030 to delivering a biodiversity net gain and creating even more sustainable products and solutions. With three days paid volunteering leave every year you can also help make a vital difference in your local community. 从2030年温室气体净零排放,到在我们的运营工作中实现生物多样性净收益,再到开发更可持续发展效益的产品及解决方案。每年有三天带薪志愿假,您也可以为您所在的社区发展做出贡献。 Supported by a dedicated Early Careers team, knowledgeable managers, a senior mentor and our graduate alumni, you’ll quickly find your strengths and an area of the business to match them once you’ve completed the programme. 在经验丰富的经理,知识渊博的资深导师和毕业校友的支持下,在您完成该项目后,您将很快找到自己的优势及适合自己的发展领域。 What you’ll get in return: 您将获得: We’re unashamedly proud of our culture, so if you’re passionate about working in an inclusive culture, pushing boundaries and solution finding, you’ll thrive in our world. Development is crucial to supporting you in your career and we give it to you in bucket-loads! From external training to internal learning sessions and even a global graduate conference. 我们为自己的文化感到自豪,如果您热衷于在包容的文化、突破界限和寻求解决问题的环境中工作,您将在这里蓬勃发展。从外部培训到内部学习课程,以及全球管培生大会。我们会全力支持您,助力您的职业生涯发展。