职位要求: - 本科及以上上,理工类专业优先; - Education in bachelor at least with science and engineer major in preferring; - 至少2-3年的质量保证工作经验,认证认可相关专业优先; - At least 2-3 years experiences in Quality Assurance, experience in certification service field is preferable; - 良好的沟通能力; - Good communication skill; - Fluent in English reading and writing is necessary. - 熟练的英语读写能力。
岗位职责: - 协助QA经理/副经理完成CNCA和CNAS各种备案和统计上报工作; - To assist QA Manager/Assistant QA Manager to fulfil any recording, statistics and reporting job on CNCA & CNAS system; - 协助QA经理/副经理完成认证认可各项文件类工作; - To assist QA Manager/Assistant QA Manager to prepare any paper work on supporting certification accreditation job; - 协助QA经理/副经理完成日常分配工作等。 - To fulfil any daily routine job assigned by QA Manager/Assistant QA Manager.