Mission: Budget, plan and achieve growth within the sales team in China in line with Management ‘s assigned KPIs and objectives. Negotiate and manage contracts both with end & direct customers (CFR) as to support FOB trade in order to procure locally from carriers to get best in class rates (spot, strategic customers etc) and market intelligence (space, GRIs etc).
Anticipate market’s trend and customer’s expectation with extra miles attitude to differentiate Centrimex from competition. Job’s main activities
Search for new markets in order to widen the target client 市场调查以寻找隐性目标客户 Take part in trade fairs in order to promote our brand and acquire new markets and new customers 参与实际订单事宜,在新市场和客户中打响公司品牌 Analyse and interpret customer needs in order to meet them. 分析客户需求 Advise and inform customers about the products offered and the expertise used in order to demonstrate the service’s reliability 给客户推荐产品及可信度展示 Collect all the data needed for a better understanding of customers. 收集客户资料 Sales force
Travel to meet customers and sell services 出差面见客户销售. Represent the technical contact person in sales negotiations in order to initiate logistics validations (offerings, customer service, etc.) at a later date 商业技术谈判 Guarantee and convey the company’s professional values 保证公司的专业价值 Validate and follow-up sales contracts by highlighting the company’s skills and values 签署销售合同 Customer loyalty Contact customers about the new logistic solutions which the company is setting up 和客户沟通公司的新产品服务 Participate in the implementation of defined action plans 参与制定计划的实施 Ensure relationships with external providers (companies and others one...) 与供应商保持良好合作关系
Organisation/Cost management
Organise oneself to carry out work within the given timetable. 个人工作时效性 Manage customer and incident data 客户及数据管理
Planning and reporting
Plan by prioritizing organizational requirements 分清轻重缓急 Monitor and facilitate the use of the CRM or any Sales Management tools defined by Management 监管使用认可的CRM或销售工具 Monitor logistics operations in China. 监管物流操作 Define and follow up weekly key performance indicators (volume, gross profit, net profit, DSO) 周度销售表现跟踪 Make weekly, monthly report and annual briefing. 周度月度年度报告 Implement local sourcing in China based on Headquarters guidelines and policies. 根据总部政策开发中国客源
Safety – Quality
Comply with and ensure compliance with quality, hygiene and safety instructions.
Skills required for the job Technical Skills Computing Ability to use the computer tools provided Written and oral communication Ability to express himself or herself fluently and to design and efficiently convey messages in English and/or French, Chinese. Service provider interface Ability to implement compliance with specifications in terms of quality/cost/timescales Data processing Ability to select information, analyse it, order it, interpret it, summarise it, implement or propose an action plan. Negotiation Understand the company’s and its customers’ sales procedures in full and bring them to fruition (order) and promote loyalty. Customer satisfaction Ensure customer satisfaction with the company’s products and services. Personal qualities Initiative and autonomy Ability to make decisions suited to the professional situation, undertake the necessary actions on his or her own initiative Practical sense/Organisation/Method/Precision Ability to prepare and implement specific actions within a limited timescale whilst optimising resources and respecting undertakings Adaptability and anticipation Ability to predict and adapt behaviour, attitudes and working methods to suit different contexts. Creative skills Ability to define and propose actions to improve creativity Coordination
Ability to adopt behaviour which facilitates coordination and exchanges between services Team management Ability to organise and to motivate one or more work teams and to pass on his or her professional knowledge and skills.
Ability to comply with and promote compliance with safety regulations in force and assess risks
Possible training and experience
MSc with at least 7 years of experience in Logistic team management and service operations for Freight Forwarding in China Possible reporting and functional lines Reporting line Reporting to Country Manager Functional lines Sales Manager Europe / VP Sales Europe