职位机遇 项目 经理(PM)这一职位隶属于全球信息技术部门,由集团CIO直接监管。我们的团队目前有 40 多名信息技术、软件和数据专业人员,主要分布在上海和荷兰。我们诚挚邀请您加入我们的团队! 工作职责 -与全球工程团队协同合作,以高度迭代的模式交付并优化行业优秀的商业应用程序。 -深入了解市场、竞争情况以及(内外部)用户需求,负责特定的商业应用程序,并愿意为最终结果负责。 -在项目与产品管理中贯彻定量和统计方法,设计客观公正的关键绩效指标(KPI)及其他衡量指标,以证明项目 / 产品成果的合理性。定期通过调研或访谈用户来收集产品反馈。 -负责项目的全生命周期管理,将有前景的想法完善为项目提案以供审核,监督项目执行,确保项目质量与按时交付,在项目完成后开展项目回顾与文档整理工作。 -通过促进知识共享、推行文档记录实践,营造组织学习文化,负责维护公司 Confluence 平台上的 “项目中心”。 任职要求 -拥有 2 年以上在软件公司担任产品经理、项目经理或项目集经理的经验。 -具备优秀沟通能力(书面与口头),英语和普通话达到母语水平或专业流利程度。 -逻辑思维能力极强,能够依据影响力 / 投资回报率,准确地对问题、期限和功能进行优先级排序。 -积极性高,对项目主导、成果及时间期限秉持积极主动的态度,勇于担责。 优先考虑条件 -对现代软件架构和 DevOps 原则有深入了解。 -有 B2B 企业资源规划(ERP)/ 运输管理系统(TMS)相关工作经验。 -有集装箱航运、货运代理或海运物流相关工作经验。 Job Responsibilities: 61 Work collaboratively with our global engineering team to deliver and improve applications in a highly iterative pattern 61 Understand markets, competition, and user (both internal and external) requirements in depth; take ownership over specific business applications with a willingness to take responsibility for the end result 61 Embody a quantitative and statistical approach to project and product management. Designing unbiased KPIs and other metrics to justify project/product outcomes. Regularly survey/interview users for product feedback. 61 Responsible for taking projects through their entire lifecycle; refine promising ideas into project proposals for review; oversee the execution of projects, ensuring their quality and timeliness; conduct project retrospectives and documentation tasks upon project completion 61 Promote a culture of organizational learning by facilitating knowledge sharing and implementing best practices in documentation; take ownership over our Confluence ‘Project Hub’ Requirements: 61 2+ years of experience as a product manager, project manager, or program manager at a software company 61 An exceptionally strong communicator (written and spoken). Native/ professional fluency in English and Mandarin. 61 Highly logical, able to accurately sort problems/deadlines/features by highest impact/ROI 61 Highly motivated, with a proactive approach to project ownership and accountability for outcomes and timelines. Desirable Qualities 61 High level knowledge about modern software architectures and DevOps principles 61 Previous work experience related to with B2B ERP/TMS systems 61 Previous work experience related to container shipping, freight forwarding, or maritime logistics