JOB PURPOSE: Support RM and field force 给予大区经理和一线推广团队支持 Communicate as a bridge between local field force and related departments or persons for information. 作为本地一线推广团队和相关部门间的沟通桥梁或信息联络人。 Support internal meeting and team building management 支持内部会务及活动。
KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES: 1. Local sales team supporting: (80%) 本地销售团队支持: (80%) Assist RM in administrative work as 协助大区经理的行政工作 Organize the periodic meeting in the region 组织该地区定期召开会议 Filing 文件归档 Coordinate and support for the office administrative work when necessary 必要时协调并支持办公行政工作 Assist Field force 协助一线推广 Collect documents required by FE and sales management team from regional field people in provinces 从各省的地区推广人员处收集FE报表及销售管理团队需要提供的相关报表。 Filling in expenses accrue and liquidation into an appointed spreadsheet according to Finance request. 按照财务要求,将费用预提和清算明细填入指定的电子表。 Help and follow up recruitment within Region and pass the documents precisely. 为区域的招聘工作提供帮助并予以跟进,确保相关文件准确无误传递。 Coordinate with Area field force with the respective depts. when necessary, i.e. with Finance, marketing department for expenses, seminar and etc. 必要时协助大区推广同事与相关部门沟通,如财务、市场费用开支、研讨会等事宜。 2. Internal meeting Support: (20%) 会务支持: (20%) Work with events management team members to provide logistic support for annual kick off meeting implementation. 与相关会务管理团队协作为年会的现场执行提供后勤支持。 Organize, coordinate and implement the internal biz monthly/quarterly meeting and team building activities. 组织,协商并执行本区域相关的内部会议及团队活动。 JOB-HOLDER ENTRYREQUIREMENTS: Education: Bachelor degree or above. 学士学位或以上。 Experience &knowledge: At least 3 years’ experience in sales administration in pharmaceutical or related industry. 至少有3年的制药或相关行业类似职位的从业经验。 Enthusiastic and responsible attitude toward works. 工作态度热情、有责任感。 Well-organized and detailed-oriented. 良好的组织能力,关注细节。 Professional capability of data-analytics and reporting consolidation. 良好的数据分析能力和汇报报告整合能力。 Customer service-oriented. 以客户服务为导向。 Core competencies: Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, able to establish and maintain effective relationship with staff, customers and management. 极佳的人际和沟通技能,能够与员工、客户和管理部门建立并维持有效的关系。 Excellent computer skill in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. 熟练操作Word, Excel和PPT的计算机能力。 Good career moral record. 良好的职业道德。