Drive local product portfolio (TPP), 推动中国市场的产品组合. 61支持本地产品组合的定义和管理, Support for local product portfolio definition and management. 61产品投放策略的制定和实施, new product G2M startegy definition and implementation 61端到端的产品生命周期管理 E2E product lifecycle management Drive sales,推动销售,: 61作为销售和工厂的接口,支持客户的新产品变种、修改、投诉、退市的需求, Interface between sales and plant for new products variants, modification, complaints, phase out products 61支持产品培训, 展会,负责产品相关营销文件的制定, support for product training, exhibition, define product related marketing documents. 竞争对手分析, 定义Benchmark的目标并和研发沟通制定Benchmark的计划。competitor analysis, define benchmark request and communicate benchmark planning with ENG. 职位要求: 61Master degree or above, major in hydraulic engineering, electronics engineering or related 硕士或以上液压电气或者相关专业毕业 61 Entrepreneur mindset, willing to take responsibility and driven things. 具有企业家精神,愿意承担责任,主动推进 3. Team working spirit and effective communication, have logical thinking as well as comprehensive analysis, judgment and summarize ability. 具有团队精神和有效的沟通能力,逻辑性强,有一定的分析,判断和归纳能力 4. Good knowledge of English in oracy and writing, working experience is preferred 较好的英语口语和书写能力, 有工作经验者优先 5. Background of work or study in Germany will be preferred 有德国工作及学习背景优先考虑