公司介绍 Louis Dreyfus Company is a leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods. Our activities span the entire value chain from farm to fork, across a broad range of business lines, we leverage our global reach and extensive asset network to serve our customers and consumers around the world. Structured as a matrix organization of six geographical regions and ten platforms, Louis Dreyfus Company is active in over 100 countries and employs approximately 18,000 people globally. 职位描述 Responsibilities: - 根据市场趋势与客户需求、产品升级等内外部需求,提出创新产品课题。 - 与其他研发人员合作,以小组形式承担研发课题,针对植物原料中分离的营养成分(如水解蛋白、纤维、果胶、磷脂等),在食品/宠物食品/饲料应用场景中,探索配方,挖掘原料功能。 - 设计实验并完成相应的理化/感官/微生物指标检测。负责食品检测相关仪器、设备的管理、维护与保养,进行试验操作和仪器使用SOP的编制。 - 参与工艺中试,提供技术支持,建立工艺关键控制点并协助转移至工厂进行产业化生产。 - 根据客户需求,完成配方调整和样品研发,支持销售工作。 - 完成团队交待的其他工作,保障实验室平台有序运转,协助日常工作。 职位要求 Qualifications: - 硕士学历及以上,食品科学、营养学、食品工程、生物化学、生物工程、化学等相关专业; - 有三年或以上相关实验室工作及产品研发经验。 - 动手能力强,熟悉配方设计、质构与食品/宠物食品/饲料小试相关设备的操作,掌握常见文献检索和统计分析手段,发表过相关论文或有专利撰写经验的优先。 - 掌握一项或多项实验室检测技能,包括但不限于HPLC、GC-MS、质构仪、流变仪等;具备检测营养成分(蛋白、氨基酸、脂肪酸、糖类等)经验。 - 熟悉植物基原料的应用与法规要求,熟悉常见的乳化剂应用特性,开发过以下一类或几类食品产品(乳品、零食、糖果、烘焙、宠物食品等)或饲料产品。 - 实验现场问题分析和解决能力,良好的实验记录和实验室GMP习惯。 - 具有良好的英文听说读写能力。 - 积极向上,乐于团队沟通和协作。 额外信息 Additional Information for the job
What We Offer - A dynamic and stimulating international environment, which embraces diversity, equity and inclusion. - Learning & development opportunities. - Competitive compensation and benefits. - Insurance systems & schemes. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion LDC is driven by a set of shared values and high ethical standards, with diversity and inclusion being part of our DNA. LDC is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity, equity and inclusion. LDC encourages diversity, supports local communities and environmental initiatives. We encourage people of all backgrounds to apply. Sustainability Sustainable value is at the heart of our purpose as a company We are passionate about creating fair and sustainable value, both for our business and for other value chain stakeholders: our people, our business partners, the communities we touch and the environment around us.