工作内容 Job Description1.针对财务团队常规问题提供工作支持;Provide Support to accounting team on all pertinent issues.2.会计标准操作流程及制度的优化与完善;Accounting SOP and policy standardization and optimization.3.主导月度/季度/年终结账流程改进;Drive month/quarter/year-end closing process improvement.4.负责企业税申报管理及企业内外部审计工作;Liaison for corporate tax, controlling, internal and external audit.5.标准成本更新,成本率更新;Standard Cost update, cost rate update.6.准备年度预算报表;Prepare the annual budget.7.成本分析,项目分析如需要;Cost Analysis, Project Analysis if necessary.8.各项企业资产类保险更新;Insurance update。9.关联公司账务处理,高新技术企业、政府项目申报如涉及;Handling associated company accounting, Hi-Tech Enterprise & Government Projects declaration if requested.10.确保财务各项申报工作合法合规Ensure the accounting treatment is complying to PRC GAAP, and local requirements.11.对接集团总部财务相关工作交流与汇报;Work communication and report refers to Finance with Group Finance Team regularly. 12.上级领导安排的其他工作;Other tasks assigned by Direct Leader.资格能力 Qualification1.本科及以上学历,财务相关专业;Bachelor degree or above, Majored in Finance or related.2.英文听说读写熟练,CET6优先;Excellent in English both Written and Spoken, CET6 preferred.3.有8年以上会计工作经验,三年以上财务团队管理经验;With 8+ years Industrial Accountant Experience; 3+ years Finance team management experience.4.熟悉中华人民共和国税法PRC GAAP, 有SAP操作经验优先;Be familiar with PRC GAAP, SAP operating skill is preferred.5.灵活且适应能力强;Flexible and strong adaptability.6.抗压能力强。With Strong Capability to work under pressure.7.注会或者国际注会优先;CICPA or ACCA is a Plus.