Franchisee store management经销商门店管理 1) Take the full responsibility of reaching franchisee channel economic target by improving sales in current stores; 负责加盟商渠道销售以及其他经济指标的目标结果,提高现有门店的销售; 2) According to existing store performance evaluation system, thru the regular inspect and supervise to make sure store in total could reach company set sales target and also could have the trend and confidence to meet the longer term targets; 通过现有门店绩效评估体系,定期对所辖加盟店进行巡店督导,确保经销商门店达到公司设定的销售目标,并有趋势和信心实现长期目标; 3) Strictly follow up the store management systems –supervising the operation behavior and operation activities of the stores according to the standards required by the company, providing timely help and guidance, providing timely training help and guidance, and correcting or punishing violations or adverse behaviors 严格执行经销商门店管理系统,负责监督所辖店面的运营行为与运营活动是否符合公司要求的标准与规范,并及时提供培训帮助与指导,对违规或不利行为进行纠正或处罚. 4) Continuous training work to educate the product, sales, brand for NEST related sales people; 在对经销商进行持续性的培训发展工作,给予相关销售人员进行产品知识、销售技巧、品牌发展等培训; 5) Timely and effectively coordinate resources, to guide and solve practical problems, join store operations and need to solve the difficulties and ensure normal and orderly operating environment. 有效地协调总部各部门资源,指导和解决区域内加盟店面运营中的实际问题和急需解决的困难,确保加盟店正常、有序的运营环境。 6) Continuous improving sales system and operation procedures standard, formulate promotion methods and incentive programs, and improve the overall improvement of the operation ability of franchisee stores. 不断完善销售制度及操作流程与规范,制定门店各项工作的提升方法和激励方案,促进加盟门店运营能力的全面提升。 7) Maintain good relationship with all the franchisees and mall to promote NEST reputation. 维护与所有加盟商及商场的良好关系,提升品牌的声誉。
Franchisee store development经销商门店开拓 8) According to the franchisee sourcing system according to company product positioning, identify the target franchisees and proceed with project based system. Next level regulate the rules with franchisees. 根据经销商加盟体系及公司产品策略寻找***合作的经销商,以项目形式开始寻找,评估,回顾经销商。; 9) Develop franchisee and open new “healthy” stores under company requirements to secure target sales, and also company margin. 按照公司发展要求,开拓新经销商和新的“健康”门店,来确保公司的销售和利润;
Cooperate with regional Marketing and VM 协同市场营销及店铺陈列 10) Collaborate with the Marketing and Sales Operations team to carry out various sales activities, such as franchisees conferences, various promotional events, etc., to ensure that the company's products and services are accepted and recognized by customers; 协同市场部及销售运营团队开展各种销售活动,如经销商会议、各类促销活动等,确保公司产品和服务被客户接受和认可。 11) Collaborate with VM team to secure all the store layouts, hard decorations, front displays are presenting the best of NEST; 协同店铺陈列团队确保所有店内布局、装饰、橱窗陈列都呈现出空间品牌的***状态;
Experience/Education Required - University Degree or equivalent 大学专科或同等学历 - Minimum 5 years of retail franchiser business management experience, furniture background is very much preferred 至少5年零售行业经销商开发及管理经验,有家具行业背景者优先 - Ability to guide stores toward goal achievement using negotiation, teamwork/collaboration, motivation skills 能够运用谈判、团队合作、激励等管理工具指导门店管理实现销售目标 - Familiar with domestic market, shopping malls and distribution channels; Familiar with franchise operation model, good performance and profit control operation ability 熟悉国内市场、商场和分销渠道;熟悉特许加盟营运模式,有良好的业绩和盈利操控运作能力
Personality Required - Self-motivated and able to work independently with structure thinking 自我激励,能够独立工作并具有结构化思维模式 - An outgoing personality, and with proven skills in consumer relations. 性格外向,具有良好的客户关系管理能力。 - Outstanding verbal and written communication skills, including ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients. 优秀的口头和书面沟通能力,有效地传达信息,并解决来自管理层、客户问题能力