1、 与部门经理积极配合,深耕对现有客户的技术销售服务工作,以确保业务可持续增长。 2、 针对国内头部企业及国际巨头搭建客户档案,深度解析客户商务技术需求,定制化战术以强化提升大客户全方位服务。 3、 与总部积极沟通,协调开展本地技术研讨会以及其他形式的技术推广活动,强化纤维素 产品爱博素ARBOCEL产品线的技术推广并协同客户研发团队解决产品开发痛点 4、 其他分配的职责 - Key Responsibilities 1. Actively cooperate with department managers to deepen the technical sales and service work of existing customers to ensure sustainable business growth. 2. Build customer files for domestic leading enterprises and international giants, deeply analyze customer business and technical needs, and customize tactics to strengthen and improve the all-round service of key customers. 3. Actively communicate with the headquarters, coordinate local technical seminars and other forms of technical promotion activities, strengthen the technical promotion of the cellulose product ARBOCEL product line, and cooperate with the customer R&D team to solve the pain points of product development 4. Perform other duties as assigned.