岗位职责: 1. Finish daily on time and meet all related requirements regarding Quality Management System and EHS Management System. 日常工作应符合质量管理体系EHS管理体系的要求。
2. Use MRP output, leverage with historic usage data, and follow with Kanban system to release purchase order, balance the goal of maintaining low inventories and providing adequate stocks to meet customer requirements. 根据MRP输出的结果,与历史用量进行对比权衡,依照看板系统来下采购订单,在保持较低库存与提供足够库存之间做出权衡来满足客户要求。
3. Follow up the status of the purchasing orders issued (ETD, ETA, Receiving) through daily communication with suppliers to ensure target OTIF rate; 通过与供应商的日常沟通来跟踪采购订单的状态(预计出发时间,预计到达时间,收货时间),保证货物的足额准时到达率;
4. Monitor open PO if any demand changes, including advance po or delay/cancel open po to ensure timely supply and keep inventory at reasonable level; work with supplier, demand manager, planner etc. to reduce long aging stock or dead stock; 根据预测的变化及时调整订单(提前或者取消,延期等)确保及时供应和维持合理的库存水平;和供应商,需求经理,计划,等合作减少不良呆滞库存;
5. Maintain related parameters in MRP system; 维护MRP系统中的相关参数;
6. Work with technical people to localize raw material sourcing; 与技术人员一起进行原材料本地化工作;
7. Check incoming import documentation and provide proper paperwork to the Customs coordinator to do clearance; 核对进口文件,并为海关协调员提供适当的文本文件以进行清关工作;
8. Cooperate with the Accounting Dept. to settle the payments. 与财务部门合作,按时安排付款;
9. Distribute the COA to IQC and inter act with the technical group to ensure new project launch; 分发COA给原料质检部门,与技术部门合作确保新项目开展;
10. Do supplier delivery evaluation and management. 做供应商交付评估和管理。
Requires: 1. Bachelor’s degree in engineering/business/science or equivalent. 工程、商学或理科学士学位。 2. CET-6 or above and fluency in English written, and speaking 英文口语书写流利。 3. 1-2 year experience in supply chain or related 两年以上运营计划/采购工作经验。 4. Strong skills in data analysis 较强的数据分析能力