负责协助销售总监及配合销售团队完成销售管理支持工作。 Assist Sales Director and cooperate with Sales team to complete sales support work. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. 支持销售部门重要项目的执行和推进,并与平行部门展开紧密的沟通合作,包括但不限于市场部,客户服务部、供应链,财务部等; Support the implementation of important projects in sales department, and work closely with parallel departments, including Marketing, Customer Service, Supply Chain, Finance departments etc. 2. 与市场及其它相关部门合作,开展销售市场活动,如Campaign、新产品发布、研讨会等; Cooperate with marketing and other relevant departments to carry out sales and marketing activities, such as campaigns, new product launches, seminars, etc. 3. 根据销售战略和市场需求,发起新产品试用,协调新产品测试的实施落地,并跟进新产品上线; Initiate new product trials, coordinate the implementation of testing with domestic customers based on sales strategy and market demand, and follow up new product launch in China. 4. 协助销售总监合理提交销售预算和管理库存,作为销售部门的沟通窗口,衔接各支持部门,促进业务顺利高效的开展; Assist sales Director to reasonably submit sales budget and manage inventory. As a contact window of sales department, link up all the related support departments for smooth and efficient business development. 5. 统计整理销售拜访报告并加以分析,根据需求为销售管理提供授权范围内的数据支持;维护管理CRM系统信息录入; Collect and analyse sales visit reports, provide data support within the authorized scope for sales management according to demand. Manage and maintain information entry of CRM system. 6. 参加行业相关展会,协助市场营销团队收集并整理相关竞品信息和行业应用信息及营销策略的执行; Participate in related industrial exhibitions, assist marketing intelligence team in collecting and organizing relevant competitor information, industry application data, and marketing strategy execution. 7. 负责销售部门内部会议、培训的协调组织,协助代理商大会的举办; Responsible for the organization of meetings and training of sales department and assist in the holding of agent conferences. 8. 收集、整理、跟进及分析销售线索(电话、官网、官微、展会等); Collect, follow up and analyse sales leads (Phone calls, official website, We-chat, exhibition, etc.). 9. 上级安排的其它相关工作。 Other related work assigned by the superior. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: 1. 具有创新的思维、较强的创造力和细节执行的把控能力; Innovative thinking, strong creativity, and control ability of detail execution. 2. 出色的分析和项目管理技能; Strong analytical and project management skills. 3. 能够在工作压力下交付准确、高效、高质的工作结果; Be responsible to deliver accurate and high-quality results under stress. 4. 良好的沟通能力及团队协作精神。 Good communication skills and teamwork spirit. Qualifications, Training, and Experience: 1. 大学本科及以上学历,商科等相关专业; Bachelor’s degree or above, major in Commerce and other related majors. 2. 英语听说读写熟练; Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading and writing. 3. 五年及以上相关工作经验。 At least five-year related working experience.