一、Reports To 报告对象: Head of Sales & Marketing 销售市场负责人
二、Principle Responsibilities/Duties 职责原则/职责: 1. Implementation of brand development and activities according to the brand & communication plan, including: exhibitions, events, visits, product campaigns etc. 品牌活动策划与执行:根据品牌及传播计划实施品牌发展与推广活动,包括:展会、线上线下活动、客户拜访、产品推广活动等。 2. Activation budget management, to deliver the brand activities within budget. 活动预算管理:统筹品牌活动预算,确保项目在预算范围内高效执行。 3. Work closely with global team on the regular update (for both internal and external communication. 全球团队协同:与总部团队紧密合作,定期同步内外部传播策略及执行进展。 4. Official WeChat account maintenance, and future other social media platforms is possible. 社交媒体运营:负责官方微信公众号日常运营,未来或拓展至其他社交媒体平台。 5. Support new showroom proposal and follow up the implementation of customer centers. 展厅与客户中心支持:协助新展厅方案策划,并跟进客户体验中心的落地实施。 6. Brand materials development (samples, brochures, gifts, etc.) 品牌物料开发:统筹品牌宣传物料(如样品、产品手册、定制礼品等)的设计与制作。 7. Other tasks related to brand & communication management or assigned by manager. 其他职责:完成品牌传播相关的其他任务或上级指派的其他工作。 三、Qualification Requirements of the Incumbent 任职资格要求: 1. Academic 学历: Bachelor degree or above with major in marketing, advertisement, management. 本科及以上学历,市场营销、广告、管理专业。 2. Job Experience 工作经验: - At least 3-5 years working experience in marketing / advertising / digital agency or brand marketing, experience in industries such as furniture or lifestyle will be a plus; 3-5年以上市场部/广告/数字化供应商或品牌营销工作经验,有家具或生活方式等行业经验者优先; - At least 2 years working experience in a European or North American company will be a plus; 2年以上欧洲或北美公司工作经验者优先; 3. Technical knowledge 专业知识: Familiar with traditional and digital marketing. 熟知传统市场部及数字营销。
4. Computer skills 电脑能力: Good computer skills: Power Point, Word, Excel, and ect. office software, as well as image and video editing software. 良好的电脑操作技能:PPT, Word,Excel及其他office 软件,熟悉图像/视频编辑软件。 5. Language:语言 Fluent oral and written communication skills in both English and Chinese 流利的英语及中文书写 四、Personal Competencies个人能力 1. Excellent communication and coordination skills. 良好的沟通能力和协调能力。 2. Excellent ability in speaking and writing. 良好的语言和文字表达能力。 3. Responsibility. 责任与担当精神。 4. Strongly adaptive ability. 较强的适应能力。 5. Strict logic. 严谨的思维逻辑。 6. Good Self-discipline. 良好的自律能力。