Position Objective: Responsible for achieving branch service sales target, lead sales team research and develop market, develop sales team, manage and coach sales rep’s daily work to achieve growth target. 负责完迅达中国EI销售业务各项指标,指导帮助区域/分公司销售团队分析和开拓市场,管理及辅导销售工作,实现可持续增长的目标。
Key Responsibilities: - Accomplish branch conversion, renew, recovery and price adjustment annual target; 完成分公司转签、续签、重获、价格调整年度指标; - Market & Competition information collection and analysis; 所在地区的市场信息、竞争信息收集及分析; - People Management: Training Curriculum, Training & Development, Sales Incentive Policy; 销售团队管理: 培训材料,培训及发展、人员激励政策; - Contract Data Quality Management to make sure of compliance; 提供系统合同数据质量及管理确保合规性; - Monthly forecast, monthly Sales Meeting & Sales Activity Management ; 完成每月预测,组织销售月度周例会,管理销售活动执行情况;
Critical Ability, Skill and Knowledge: - Familiar with E&E market development and customer needs; 熟悉了解电梯市场发展及用户需求动态; - Strong analytic capability on business; 优秀的业务分析能力; - Good ability to evaluate business issues and prioritize activities, task delegating with different level guidance based on team understanding; 能够熟练的根据业务需求定义工作优先级别,并依据团队成员的不同能力进行工作分配 ; - Excellent interpersonal skills both internally and externally; 卓越的内外人际互动技巧; - Playing as a strong team leader; 优秀的团队管理能力; - Excellent business writing skill and communication skill, especially on contract handling, non-standard contract verification and business communication letter; 熟练掌握合同的处理、非标合同的评审及用户来往文件的组织、撰写;
Work Experience: - 10 years experience in sales management position, EI working experience preferred; 从事10年以上销售管理岗位工作,维保专业出身更佳;