BASIC FUNCTION基本职责 1. 参与前期规划:与酒店投资方、运营方等沟通,了解项目定位、规模、功能需求等,参与项目可行性研究和规划设计。 Participate in preliminary planning: Communicate with hotel investors and operators, understand project positioning, scale, functional requirements, etc., participate in project feasibility study and planning design. 2. 参与已开业且有意向转牌的项目考察,并能按照品牌标准提出整改建议,制作整改意向方案PPT,测算整改预算 Participate in the investigation of projects that have been started and intend to transfer brands, put forward rectification suggestions according to brand standards, make rectification intention plan PPT, and calculate the rectification budget 3. 确保酒店品牌标准确实的被执行 To ensure hotel brand standard is implemented 4. 掌握酒店整体设计方向及风格取向 To capture hotel overall design direction and style 5. 能够准确掌握酒店设计发展趋势 To understand and capture hotel design trend 6. 及时发现问题及汇报 To discover and timely report issues
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 职责和义务 1. 方案审核:对提交的图纸、方案等进行审核,检查设计是否符合规范、标准和项目要求,提出修改意见和建议。 Review of design results: review the submitted drawings, schemes, etc., check whether the design meets the specifications, standards and project requirements, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for modification. 2. 注重团队合作,积极组织团队提高效率; Work with an emphasis on team cooperation; an active organizer dedicated to enhance working efficiency 3. 带领技术服务设计团队并给予支持 Lead service team and provide support 4. 与其它相关部门即使及良好的沟通 Maintain good communication with other departments 5. 实现领导安排的工作任务; Complete given assignments
JOB SPECIFICATION工作要求 1. 建筑或相关设计专业院校毕业,且设计工作经验10年以上。 Graduate of architecture design or art colleges, 10-years design experience 2. 至少有5个中高端及奢侈品牌酒店整体设计项目的设计经历 Proven record of design experience in minimum 5 mid to high-end and luxury hotel brands 3. 熟悉中高端及奢侈品牌酒店设计标准 Familiar with mid to high-end and luxury hotel design standard 4. 熟悉酒店设计及整体布局 Familiar with hotel design and overall planning 5. 了解酒店机电系统的安排 Familiar with hotel M&E systems 6. 熟练操作AutoCAD和常规文档编辑能力; Excellent command of Auto CAD and office MS programs 7. 较好的手绘表达能力; Good hand-sketch capability 8. 有英语沟通能力; Able to communicate in English