

Senior Transportation Specialist 高级运输专员
人 · 本科 · 3-5年工作经验 · 性别不限2025/03/14发布




This role is shipping calculation and arrangement to optimize allocation of transport resources and delivery process to ensure a stable and wealth distribution. Optimize delivery routes and reduce the transport leadtime to ensure the customer ordered tires are delivered to the customer as per customer requested delivery time frame by the SPs. Calculation of Service Providers KPIs reports. Ensure the accuracy of delivery data management, monitor customer deliveries and handling/improving customer logistics complaints.
Set objectives , goals, strategies and measures, will plan for continous improvement and create new and innovative strategies necessary to consistently meet customer's expectations.

Key responsibility:
Transport&Warehouse Management
74 Optimize delivery routes and reduce the transport leadtime to ensure the customer ordered tires are delivered to the customer as per customer requested delivery time frame by the SPs.
a. Optimize delivery routes for distributors business
b. Optimize delivery routes for OES business
c. Optimize milk round routes
74Set the capacity parameter for RDCs and Warehouse space utilization calculation and analysis to ensure a stable and wealth distribution
74Transport management system monitor and optimize;Warehouse task management

Customer Deliveries
74Track customer delivery performance (Errors/Delivery reports/Timing/Volume)
74 Ensure correct & timely delivery and POD(Proof of Deliveries) checking
74 Checking transport expenses according to quotation
74 Calculation and analysis of KPIs for Service Providers reports
Handling customer logistics complaints
74 Check who is responsible for the cause of complaints and update the tracing record.
74 Improve the process to reduce the complaints. DD survey is needed

Delivery data accuracy management
74 Check the daily delivery data required by L100 with the actual delivery data of the carrier
74 Monitor whether the carrier's transportation track meets the requirements
74 Monitor the ePod signing status of the carrier
74 Monitor transportation for customers with special transportation requirements

74Consolidate delivery received confirmation report, monthly cargo arrival report analysis,collection of new customers receiving info, collection of customers` requirements on transport and customer logistics complaints report to ensure all info accurate.
74Inventory overview, stock list, Q/S block list, DOT list, FIFO report, slow mover analysis(stock/FC), monthly outbound tracking report, WH Space Utilization analysis(stock evolution & space simulation), WH Audit & SP KPI analysis, stock taking list via weekly/monthy/yearly, UER summary, barcode tracking, monthly payment check and payment request.

74Leading and Establish project plans that ensure successful launching of new programs covering all logistics aspects including tender project etc.
74 Execute the project plan and work with other functions to ensure progress and achievement of targets.
74 Work with other functions to ensure their contribution and input to the project deliverables. …

System Development
Developing and implementing L100 (transportation management system) enhancements
Fullfill the tasks assigned by team leader when needed

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


招聘信息 > 上海招聘 > 物流/运输招聘 > 上海供应链专员招聘

