1 组织周管理会,准备会议文件,并做好会议记录,主动掌握有关决议的执行情况,检查、督促、追踪总裁布置的工作任务的贯彻、落实、执行情况,并反馈。 Organize Weekly Management Meeting: Docs Preparation, Meeting Agenda, meeting minutes, supervise and urge the meeting resolution to be implemented and carried out in time.
2 周/月报告收集,打印,组织,归档。 Weekly/monthly Reports collection, printing, organization, filing.
3 合同,名片文件的归档和管理。 Contract, name card filing and management.
4 证书管理,以及复印件使用记录。 Certificates management, and copy usage record.
5 总裁日程管理,日常工作安排,国内外差旅安排和相关会务工作日程安排; Manage the calendar of President, his daily work arrangement, business travel schedule as well as meetings, agenda.
6 总裁行政费用和差旅费用的报销 Reimbursement of President business cost and admin cost.
7 负责在总裁签批前对各部门的申请进行预审核。 Pre-check application from all departments before President signature.
8 重要客户或客人拜访计划跟进和接待。 Key Customer or Guest visit schedule follow up and reception.
9 总裁办公室工作环境管理 President office working environment management.
10 上级交付的其他事务 Other assignments.