Essential Duties & Responsibilities
1.能熟练操作B超设备,为病人提供高质量的超声诊断(熟悉腹部,妇产科超声,小器官,血管超声)。Able to independently perform ultrasound scanning, make diagnoses in various subspecialties, including at least abdomen, ob/gyn, small part, and vascular areas and provide written English report
2.为介入 / 外科手术提供专业的超声依据。Provide ultrasound guidance for interventional/intra-operative procedures
3.满足相关的CME要求。Meet relevant CME requirements
4.遵守部门,医院和政府的所有政策。Comply with all policies and rules of department, hospital and government
5.能为部门和同事提供专业性的意见和帮助。Provide professional opinion and support to department and staff
6.上级领导指派的其他工作及任务。Other tasks assigned by Chief of department and VP of medical affairs
1.熟悉相关的电脑办公系统及医院PACS系统。Able to use computer system, such as PACS.
2.本科及以上学历,影像专业毕业。At least Bachelor Degree of Medicine. Post graduate degree in medical imaging preferred
3.至少3年以上2甲医院工作经历。At least 3 years experience as an attending sinologist in Level II hospital
4.持有有效的医师执业证。Valid physician practice certificates
5.持有CDFI大型医疗仪器上岗证。CDFI working certificate