

HIL Test Engineer
人 · 本科 · 3-4年工作经验 · 性别不限2025/02/28发布




1. 与销售团队合作,向客户介绍康莱德解决方案 (包括但不限于自动驾驶数据记录和回注系统), 确定潜在客户需求并向他们解释康莱德系统如何为他们提供价值,在现场访问期间进行技术演示、产品培训和数字通信。
Work with Sales team to introduce to customers Konrad Solutions, including but not limited to AD data record and reinjection system and identify underlying customer needs and explain to them how Konrad system is providing value to them, during onsite visits with technical presentations, product training and digital communication.
2. 验证客户要求,并且判断如何将要求与康莱德的方案相结合,同时与客户一起配合更新和修改要求,从而更好地匹配康莱德的系统设计流程
Verify customer requirements and how we can implement them leveraging our system. Work together with customers to update and modify the requirements as applicable so they better match Konrad System design process
3. 根据需要,主导针对客户被测物(产品)的样机演示与概念验证,以促成客户对康莱德技术能力的信任.
As needed lead the execution of Demos, POC efforts with customer DUT/ products to deliver trust in our technical capabilities
4. 根据 自动驾驶硬件在环测试/自动驾驶数据记录和回注系统项目售前阶段的初样设计和客户提供的规格,考虑设计成本、安全性和时间限制的影响,最终确定详细的系统设计。需要根据客户规范,与供应商的系统工程师合作,集成来自供应商的子系统。
Finalize the detailed System Design of AD HiL Sensor Fusion Test System/ AD data record and reinjection projects based on Predesign in Presales stage and customer provided specifications, considering the impact of design cost, safety and time constraints. It needed due to customer specifications incorporate sub systems from suppliers as needed. co-work with system engineer from suppliers to integrate the system successfully
5. 根据客户要求,设计和执行基于 HIL 方法的模拟控制器环境设计与自动化设计,包括ADAS ECU, 传感器,VCU, 电池,引擎等在内的电气元器件的测试环境建模和PCBA校准
Design and implement simulated controller environment based on HIL methods, including the automation, involves testing environment modelling and calibrating PCBA,electrical components such as ADAS ECU, Sensors, VCU, Battery, Engine, etc. as per customer requirements
6. 制定自动驾驶硬件在环测试计划策略和设计测试验证文档,以证明我们可以在验收期间涵盖客户相关要求
Develop the HiL test plan strategy & design test verification documentation.to proof we can cover customer related requirements during acceptance
7. 根据客户要求,负责自动驾驶硬件在环测试用例开发(包括环境建模、调试, 以及失效分析);
Conduct AD HiL system test case Development, including testing environment modelling for PCBA and electrical components, and calibrating as per customer requirements.
8. 负责自动驾驶硬件在环自动化测试系统中CAN总线、控制系统的诊断和测试;
Diagnose and test CAN BUS and control system in AD HiL system as needed.
9. 在 自动驾驶硬件在环 自动化测试设备/手动环境中进行特定测试用例的规划和执行,以验证特定的软件功能/测试规范项,以及文档和错误处理;
Conduct Planning and execution of specific Test Cases in a HiL ATE (Automated Test Equipment)/ Manuel Environment to verify specific Software Functions / Test Specification Items, as well as Documentation and Error handling.
10. 与客户配合在整车中建立与测试自动驾驶数据采集与数据回放系统,并实施回顾与故障排除已达成客户预期
Work with customer to Build up and AD data record and reinjection system within a vehicle. Conduct review and troubleshooting as required to meet customers’ expectations.
11. 在产品交付到客户现场之前,使用完成的 自动驾驶硬件在环 /自动驾驶数据采集与数据回放系统工作台领导客户需求的测试和验证
Lead the Test and Verification of Customer Requirements with the finished HIL Workbench / data recording system before delivery to customer site
12. 根据合同向客户提供 自动驾驶硬件在环 /自动驾驶数据采集与数据回放系统相关培训,作为整个 HIL 项目的最终交付项目,直到客户签署培训记录。
As per contract deliver AD HiL Sensor fusion test equipment and AD data record and reinjection system related training to customers as an item of the Final delivery of the complete HIL project until customer is signing the training record.
13. 为顾客提供包括矫正型维护,预防性维护,安装和培训在内的高质量的技术支持;
Provide technical support to customers with high quality, including corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, installation and training.
14. 为客户提供必要的KT方案及系统中涵盖的设备的使用说明与培训
Provide necessary user manuals and trainings to customers about KT software solutions and 3rd party devices integrated in the software system.

1. 熟练使用VeriStand 和LabVIEW
Be capable of using VeriStand and LabVIEW
2. 有硬件平台经验例如Dspace, NI, Etas, etc.;
Have hardware platform experience such as Dspace, NI, Etas, or comparable for at least 3 years;
3. 在非标测试、自动化开发,以及测量设备方面有至少2年的工作经验;
Experienced in Non-standard testing, Automation development, and Measurement devices (at least 2 years’ experience in that field).
4. 至少熟悉一种自动化测试平台,例如ECU TEST, Automation Desk, TestStand 或其他同等工具。
At least familiar with one automation test platform, such as ECU TEST, Automation Desk, TestStand or something comparable
5. 在故障排除方面(至少2年的相关经验)具备能力;
Technically competent in troubleshooting (at least 2 years’ experience in that field).
6. 流利的英语听说读写能力;
Fluent English communication skill both in oral, listening and writing
7. 良好的综合沟通能力(包括客户,承包商,设计者,总监以及工厂操作人员在内的不同类型的人)
Good comprehensive communication skills and confidence in dealing with a wide range of people, including clients, contractors, designers, directors and plant operators;

教育背景与培训 Education & Training:
Bachelor degree and above, major in vehicle engineering, mechatronics, mechanical engineering, control engineering, or computer science relevant realm.


51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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