一、岗位概述: 负责整个项目质量、进度的策划,评审及监控 积极与客户汇报工作,对于存在的问题沟通并解决 项目风险评估,定期召开项目会议 跟踪推动模具,检具,工装夹具的开发和验证 产品变更记录和管理 Responsible for the planning, review and monitoring of the quality and progress of the entire project Actively report Job to customers, communicate and solve existing problems Project risk assessment and regular project meetings Track and promote the development and validation of molds, fixtures, fixtures, fixtures Product change logging and management
二、岗位职责: 1.全权负责从项目启动开始到项目顺利交付中对整个项目质量、进度的策划,评审及监控。 In charge of planning for quality, schedule, evaluation and monitoring from the beginning to SOP. 2.担负起项目总协调的作用并定期向总经理报告运作状况。 Coordination for the project and reporting to General Manager regularly 3.项目组织架构的建立,并建立职责的划分。 Establish the organizational structure of the project and establish the division of responsibilities. 4.对项目风险进行评估,定期召开项目会议,列出项目风险问题清单,项目时间计划向总经理以及客户汇报并监控改进状况。 Evaluate the risk and hold project meating regularly. List all the risky issue and corrective actions. 5.积极与客户对接及汇报(包含客户端会议),对于存在的问题协调各部门提供解决方案。 Actively communicate and report to customers, coordinate with various departments to provide solutions for existing problems 6.代表AOL项目团队与客户提出诉求,并与客户沟通解决方案。 Represent the AOL project development team to raise demands with clients and communicate conclusions with clients. 7.主导参与前期Port M文件的提取下载和识别,避免开发过程中客户要求遗漏。 Lead and participate in the extraction and recognition of Port M files in the early stages to avoid omissions in development requirements. 8.跟踪推动模具,检具,工装夹具的开发和验证。 Track and promote the development and verification of molds, gauges, and fixtures. 9. 9.根据项目开发不同阶段总结lessonslearned并将经验传递给项目组团队内部。 Summarize lessons learned based on different stages of project development and pass on the experience to the project team internally 10.按照客户各大节点(Buyoff,PZS)接待客户组织审核。 Organize audits based on customer reception at major nodes. 11.主导产品变更的记录和管理,并协调展开执行。 Track and implement product changes and quotation management, and coordinate the implementation. 12.与工程(宝马SE及内部工程)一起参与产品前期标准的制定,如模具检具方案及技术要求的定义等。 Participate in the development of product pre standards with engineering, such as defining mold inspection tool plans and technical requirements. 13.项目由开发阶段到PZS后转量产的工作主导,交接与问题点关闭落实。 The project is led by the transition from development stage to mass production after PZS, with handover and closure of problem points for implementation. 14.参与项目前期报价阶段工作,包含协助商务部门完成Q-offer编制,与工程一起对产品技术可行性进行分析。 Participated in the preliminary quotation stage of the project, including assisting the business department in completing the Q-offer preparation and analyzing the technical feasibility of the product together with the engineering team. 15.针对本项目收集各部门端口的人员需求和培训需求后制定培训计划(包含培训人培训内容),评估各个工作包的人力资源风险。 Collect all the human resource and training demands together, and make training plan to assess risk of human resources. 16.对于项目中出现的任何问题,及时组织项目组分析问题、解决问题,输出各项整改报告,满足客户要求。避免事态升级。 For any problems that arise in the project, organize the project team to analyze and solve the problems in a timely manner, and output various rectification reports to meet customer requirements. Avoid escalation.
三、经验要求: 有多年的项目管理工作经验,熟悉BMW项目管理流程,沟通能力强,英语精通 He has many years of experience in project management, is familiar with BMW project management process, has strong communication skills, and is proficient in English
四、能力要求: 对EPP产品工艺有一定的了解 Have a certain understanding of EPP product process
有现场判定和应急问题处理的决策能力 Have the decision-making ability to make on-site judgments and deal with emergency problems
人品端正,责任心强,抗压能力强,敢于为自己的所作所为承担责任 Good character, strong sense of responsibility, strong ability to work under pressure, and dare to take responsibility for what they do