Louis Yen Singapore Pte. Ltd.(LYS)成立于1996年,总部位于新加坡,并逐步在中国深圳,中国台湾、马来西亚、泰国、印度以及巴基斯坦成立分公司,专注于为国内外贸易商、大小中型OEM/ODM以及EMS提供优质的半导体元器件供应服务 公司目前主要代理线品牌:ST、VISHAY、UTC、KEC、Everlight、ISAHAYA、ROHM,分销线:TI、ON、英飞凌、ADI、NXP、等国际知名品牌。 工作内容: 1、通过电话、邮件、拜访,为在中国的ODM/OEM/EMS 工厂提供专业服务(provide professional service to the ODM/OEM/EMS in China by telephone, emails, customer visit, etc). 2、同公司内部相关人员沟通,处理好客户每日的产品需求,报价,订单,交货及货款回收.(Communicate to internal department, handle daily RFQ, and send quotation, track delivery and customer payment.) 3、定期对客户和市场需求作收集整理分析,把握最新客户需求和市场价格资讯, 发掘有潜力的新客户。(Analyze market demand and customer requirement, understand latest market change and pricing trend, explore potential new customers).
职位要求: 1.如您有良好的英文水平,出色的商务口才,强大的学习能力,希望通过公平公正,多劳多得的良好平台实现高端收入,体现自我价值,就请加入路易士通电子.(If you have excellent English communication skill, willing to learn, like to work in a fair and honesty environment to gain outstanding income, Pls join us).
2.如您有半导体(主动IC/被动IC/存储芯片/分立器件)的专业背景, 或丰富的电子分销贸易经验, 或精通一种外国语言的, 我们热烈欢迎. (If you have semiconductor background in active IC/Passive IC /memory/Discrete area, or with distribution or trading experience,or you are excellent in one of the foreign language, we warmly welcome you and want to meet you!)