**Electric Engineer Duties and Responsibilities: ** 电子测试工程师的职责和责任:** - 1. 依据说明书对产品进行功能测试, 并根据EN 62368-1, EN 60335-1等标准对产品进行安全测试和结构检查, 记录测试数据, 完成测试报告并上传至系统. - 1. Carry out functional tests according to the instructions and conduct safety tests and check construction according to standards such as EN 62368-1 and EN 60335-1.etc., record test data, complete test report and upload to the system. -2. 产品主要为消费类电子产品(适配器,灯具类,移动电源,蓝牙耳机, 蓝牙音箱,数据线, HDIMI线,插头插座类等.) -2. Products mainly consumer electronic products (adapters, lamps, mobile power supplies, Bluetooth headsets, Bluetooth speakers, data cables, HDIMI cables, plugs and sockets, etc.) -3. 为工厂提供产品制造,结构上的改善提议 -3. Provide factory with suggestions for product manufacturing and structural improvement. -4. 熟悉操作和维护设备(耐压仪, 接地电子仪, 温度巡检仪, 示波器, 功率计,灼热丝测试设备,恒温恒湿箱,灯具性能测试设备等) -4. Be familiar with operating and maintaining equipment (withstand voltage tester, grounding electronic instrument, temperature patrol instrument, oscilloscope, power meter, glow wire test equipment, climate chamber, lamp performance test equipment, etc.)
**Requirements and Qualifications: **任职要求 - Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or similar field. -电子类相关专业背景本科学位(经验丰富和有英语书面能力的专科生也可适当接受)。 - Minimum 2-3 years of work experience in electrical engineering or related position preferred. - 具有2-3年以上电子工程或相关职位工作经验者优先 -熟悉ITAV EN 62368-1、灯具EN 60598-1 或者小家电EN 60335-1 标准,对消费类电子产品有一定的了解. 有第三方实验室关于产品安规或者认证法规符合性工作经验或者其他工作经验优先. - Ability to write clearly about highly technical subject matter. -能够输入专业的测试报告。 - Thorough understanding of electronic systems and component materials. -对电子系统和组件材料有一定的了解。 具备英语阅读及书写的能力,英语水平达到四级
**What we offer: **我们能提供: - Excellent office and working atmosphere. -极佳的工作环境和氛围。 - Good social welfare benefits. -良好的社会福利待遇。入职购买五险一金 - 5-day work week with no requirements on Saturday and Sunday. -5日工作制,周末两天双休。 - Company-provided lunch and teatime. -公司提供午餐以及不定时下午茶。 - Flexible working hours. -弹性的工作时间。 - Additional holidays. -额外的年假 - Product training at our HQ in Germany. -前往德国总部进行产品培训