任职要求: 1,大专以上学历,国际贸易或英语类相关专业,英语6级以上,听说读写流利。 2、三年以上外贸业务工作经验,了解模具行业及模具相关知识者更佳。 3、思维开阔,学习能力强,能利用现有平台或资源寻找客户;有独立模具海外业务开发经验者优先。 4、性格活泼开朗,沟通能力强,能吃苦耐劳,有强烈的事业心,有良好的职业道德。 5、能力稍逊但有意致力于模具行业发展的亦可考虑,公司有专业的培训机制。 6、招聘人数:3-5名。 薪酬待遇: 1、薪资: 底薪(8K-10K) +业绩提成+年终奖+年终绩效奖金+股份奖励制。 2、五天7小时工作制(上班时间可弹性调整)。 3、公司定期提供培训,提升专业技能,完善职业规划,有广阔的发展空间。 4、除正常节假日,公司根据业绩可提供两次年假,及国内外旅游机会。 The ideal candidate is a motivated, well-organized individual who has a deep understanding of prospecting and developing strong relationships with customers. It would be priorty who has excellent experience on injection tooling and molding.
Responsibilities Develop and execute strategies to drive business in new and existing markets Maintain relationships for existing customers, develop potential market Qualifications 20-25 old, College's degree or equivalent experience in Business, 1+ years' of sales experience in export injection tooling and molding. Excellent written and verbal communication skills Salarys basic salary 6k-8k,+commission+award 35 hours per week ( could be flexible time according to self) The company provides training to improve professional skills, improve career planning, and have a broad space for development in future.