岗位职责Responsibilities 1. 根据产品设计方案评估其可行性和技术选型,并完成系统框架设计和关键元器件选定; Base on the product requirement to do the feasibility estimate and components selection, system design 2. 根据产品设计说明书,设计原理图并进行PCB layout设计、检查等硬件设计工作; Base on the description of the product design requirement to do the schematic, PCB design and review the related design and document 3. 负责EVT/DVT阶段硬件调试及测试,BUG分析解决和验证;will in-charge the hardware debugging and testing , BUG analyzing and verification. 4. 熟悉电子产品研发流程,规划及组织产品性能测试,可靠性测试. Be familiar with the IPD of electronics product design, plan and organize the product performance and reliability testing. 5. 对相关项目的BOM表,原理图,PCB文件等生产文件进行检查审核 review and check the related documents such as BOM , SCH, PCB files and so on 6. 协助解决产品认证过程中出现的EMI, EMC, ESD等问题,使产品快速顺利通过认证 to leader the related projects EMI EMC ESD issues solve. Make the certification test can be passed as soon as possible. 7. 对协助工厂和售后重大异常进行分析解决,输出分析报告to assist the related department to analyze the root cause of the serious quality 8. 编写设计文档,产品说明文档,调试报告,硬件检查表等项目文档。Able to draft and edit related design and manual documents and debug report, hardware check list. 9. 上级领导安排的其他任务 to finish other tasks for the direct leader