You will be enabling transport activities by executing bookings, entering orders + generating all required export documentation while liaising with our Customer Care Specialists to ensure all requirements are met (in a timely and efficient manner). As always, these activities are in line with all relevant governance + regulatory requirements. -To create/complete shipment details in our internal transport management system, coordinate with all involved stakeholders + organize transport based on the customer promise, obtain DG approvals where required, escalating discrepancies as required. -To monitor + report on operational performance of carriers + other vendors as well as ensuring strong data quality is available for timely + accurate customer reporting. -To create files for consolidation containers (Master). -To review + ensure alignment of shipping instructions including clarifying any deviations/conflicts while taking country regulations, export compliance, rate + routing information into consideration. -To issue + accurately submit/issue all required documentation (issue BAL specimen, carrier OBL instructions, VGM and security filings, sales invoices) within 24 hours of departure. -To ensure departure confirmations (or deviations v. scheduled) are shared with CCLs. -To release BAL B/L as per Financial Guidelines + working instructions. -To ensure cost awareness + efficiency through timely, accurate cost/revenue updates including profit maximization by providing cost awareness to the CCLs. -To check + verify incoming supplier invoices, including initiating + resolving any rate discrepancies. -To support and resolve claims + disputes. Your day begins by reviewing shipment statuses + new orders. By checking that our systems are fully updated, you ensure all shipments are quickly + accurately processed. This is really important to ensure that progress is shared in real time with your colleagues in the CCLs. Then work closely with your Customer Care colleagues to resolve challenges + provide options to fulfill the customer promise. Representing the world’s largest NVOCC, you continuously engage our suppliers to secure space; driving a fast turnaround of requests for information + documentation. Identifying + eliminating unjustified costs by working closely with CCLs to optimize shipment gross profit is a regular activity. Finally, you set aside sufficient time to analyze our service delivery against internal SLA’s to identify + address opportunities through continuous improvement.