工作职责(包含但不限于) The responsibilities(including but not limited to): 1. 处理部门日常事务,包括销售数据汇总,处理客户的发票、付款等相关事宜等; Handle the daily routine work including Excel about sales figures processing, invoicing and payment collection issues, etc.; 2. 销售合同以及其他相关销售资料的整理,制作,归类,保管; File, make, order and archive contracts and other sales related documents; 3. 协调客户与内部部门,确保客户的广告准时发布; Coordinate with client and internal departments to ensure all campaigns can be launched on time; 4. 日常行政事务安排,如会议室预定,客户接待等; Responsible for daily admin work, including meeting room reservation and clients reception; 5. 为销售团队提供其他支持。 Provide other related support to sales team. 任职资格: 1. 本科以上学历; Bachelor degree or above; 2. 英文流利并熟练使用Excel, PPT; Fluent English and familiar with Excel and PPT; 3. 具有团队精神,良好的人际沟通和协调能力; Team spirit and good communication skills; 4. 1-2年的客服或销售支持相关工作经验优先考虑。 1-2 years experiences with customer service or sales support experience is preferred.