Responsibilities职责: 1,Set and Monitor the Quality Roadmap for the project to reach the Quality; 1.定义、监控和推动项目质量改进计划和质量路线图; 2.Respect of build In Quality Standards: SPPC tracking sheet is used – SPPC identification procedure is respected – SPPC transfer to Supplier via the VRFs 2.基于D/PFMEA和产品/过程特殊特性(SPPC)建立并持续更新产品控制计划,确保产品SPPC在供应商处或生产过程中得到控制. 3. Verify LLCs have been used in the D/P FMEA to reduce RPN and respected 3.确保各类相关学习经验卡运用至产品D/P FMEA中,推动工艺RPN值降低 ; 4.Participate to Design Reviews, including suppliers and tool makers design review,track and close review non-conformities; 4. 参与设计评审,包括供应商设计评审,跟踪和关闭评审不合格项; 5.Support activities defined for Internal and External Supplier parts on Valeo sites, to support Purchasing and SQA team, 5. 配合采购和 SQA 推动供应商新材料开发问题的解决;制定新材料产品检验计划,推动供应商改善来料问题; 6. Confirm various project deliverables required for each time node in the project development plan; 6. 确认项目开发计划中每个时间节点所需的各种项目交付物; 7. Participate in project product trial production, collect product/process quality problems during trial production, and promote improvements in relevant departments; 7. 参与项目产品试制,收集试制过程中的产品/工艺质量问题,并推动相关部门改进; 8. Follow up on failures that occur during product testing and verification, organize other project members to use PDCA model analysis and propose corrective and preventive measures; 8. 跟进产品测试和验证过程中发生的故障,组织其他项目成员使用 PDCA 模型分析并提出纠正和预防措施; 9. After the product design is frozen, ensure that all product and process changes follow the company's 4M change principles;Submit product PPAP to customers and lead customer reviews; 9. 产品设计冻结后,确保所有产品和流程变更均遵循公司的 4M 变更原则;向客户提交产品 PPAP 并主导客户评审10.Participate to the project QRQC and ensure project team use of QRQC material / rules 10. 参加项目 QRQC 会议并指导项目团队成员正确使用 QRQC 工具和规则。 Qualifications & Requirements 任职资格及要求: - Education/Training: Engineer degree - 教育/培训:工科方向 - Professional Experience: 3-5 years of new project quality experience (automotive industry preferred), - 专业经验:3-5年新项目质量经验(汽车行业优先) - Languages: Fluent English - 语言:英文口语能沟通 Others其它 - 较强的责任心 - 能够自我激励,具有团队精神,能在压力下工作,可以接受临时出差,去客户端处理质量问题(1个月以内) 公司介绍: 法雷奥集团总部在法国,是世界前十大汽车零部件供应商,全球汽车制造商合作伙伴。法雷奥汽 车舒适及驾驶辅助系统中国事业部,由法雷奥集团100%投资,在深圳、广州和上海均有研发及 生产制造基地,在高级辅助驾驶和智能座舱领域处于全球领先位置。法雷奥智能交通系统(上海 )有限公司地址为上海嘉定外冈。公司目前在筹建阶段,公司是法雷奥集团的舒适驾驶系统事业 部拟于2024年在中国区投建的新工厂,主要生产自动驾驶摄像头、域控制器,激光雷达等,预计 2025年初正式投产。