工作介绍: Job Description: 1. 开发各领域头部客户,如医药健康行业,汽车、金融行业、科技技术行业及奢侈品行业等,并维护与其的良好关系; Develop and maintain good relationship with top clients in various industries, such as pharmaceutical and health industry, auto, finance, technology industry and luxury industry, etc.; 2. 负责数字化户外媒体投放,能独立进行客户服务以及营销方案策划; Responsible for digital outdoor media, be able to provide clients service and marketing plan independently; 3. 在销售方法和扩大媒体影响力方面发挥创新力量,识别业务机会点,不断深挖行业内资源和价值; Develop innovative power in terms of sales approach and media enhancement, identify business opportunity points constantly dig into resources and value; 4. 收集并分析媒体市场的趋势和客户需求,为客户提供强有力的咨询服务,制定优秀的销售策略,达成销售任务并为客户推动广告计划的执行落地; Research and analyze on media market trends and client demand, provide a strong consulting services to clients, develop the best strategy, achieve sales targets and driving overall revenue growth for the clients; 5. 遵从公司的销售流程,提升客户满意度和媒体价值; Follow company sales procedure, improve clients’ satisfaction and media values; 6. 与上级领导保持紧密的联系并完成其交代的其他工作。 Keep close reporting relationship with superiors and finish other assigned work. 背景方向: Background Directions: 1. 有传统媒体、优质纸媒或线上销售经验; Have experience in traditional media, high-quality print media or online sales. 2. To B服务类行业背景,包括展览、培训、会务、咨询等; With a background in To B service industries, including exhibitions, training, conferences, consulting, etc. 3. 若为BD方向,需要候选人客户开拓意识强、具备自驱能力。 For the Business Development (BD) direction, candidates are required to have a strong awareness of customer development and be self-motivated. 4. 若为大客户经理方向,考虑顾问型销售,具备较强的专业能力。 For the Key Account Manager direction, consultant-type sales are considered and candidates should possess relatively strong professional abilities.