1. Cosmetic Product Safety Information(CPSI) Product Information File(PIF)and management. Review the data from supplier and submitted to European toxicology experts for cosmetic safety review, and supplemented according to the opinions of toxicology experts. 化妆品产品安全资料和产品信息文档管理。对供应商提交的资料进行整理并做初步审核,提交给欧洲毒理学专家进行化妆品安全评审,并按照要求补充文件资料。 2. Coordinate with purchasing and business to confirm the pre-production samples submitted by suppliers, including product, packaging and finished item. Secure product quality specifications are updated and applied by suppliers. 协同采购,业务对供应商提交的产前样进行确认,包括内料,包装和成品、 制作并更新产品质量规范,确保供应商符合规范。 3.Production process quality control. Responsible for organizing pre-production meeting with suppliers for *** mass order, communicating product quality requirements and production precautions especially on-site quality audit. 生产过程质量控制。针对首次量产订单,和供应商召开产前会议,沟通产品质量要求和生产注意事项,特别是生产现场品质稽核. 4.Third-party test and agents management 负责第三方测试并管理第三方测试机构. 5.Customer Complaint Management. Coordinate with sales department, purchasing department and suppliers to deal with customer complaints, responsible for customer complaint investigation, cause analysis, corrective and preventive action development, to ensure the effectiveness and timeliness of customer complaint resolution. 客户投诉管理。协调业务部门,采购部门以及供应商一起处理客户投诉,负责客诉调查,原因分析,纠正和预防措施制定,保证客诉解决的有效性和时效性。