Job Title: Pet Food QAE 岗位名称:宠物食品QAE Job responsibilities: 岗位职责: 1. Responsible for the quality management support of pet food OEM, pet food raw material supplier and pet food packaging material supplier development process; 1、 负责宠物食品代工厂、宠物食品原料供应商及宠物食品包材供应商开发过程的质量管理支持; 2, responsible for the development of pet food process control points and finished product quality standards and responsible for the implementation of standards and points; 2、 负责制定宠物食品过程控制要点及成品质量标准并负责标准和要点的推行; 3, responsible for pet food research and development process testing support; 3、 负责宠物食品研发过程的检测支持; 4. Responsible for the quality technical support of pet food production in China and Southeast Asian countries; 4、负责宠物食品在国内及东南亚国家生产的质量技术支持; 5, responsible for identifying the relevant regulations and requirements of the main export destination countries (including America, Australia, New Zealand and the European Union and other regions), and provide relevant support to the project team during the development process; 5、 负责对主要出口目的国(包含美洲、澳新和欧盟等地区)的相关法规和要求进行识别,并在开发过程中对项目小组提供相关支持; 6. Responsible for follow-up and disposal of abnormal quality of pet food; 6、负责宠物食品的质量异常跟进及处置; 7. Responsible for the planning and construction of pet food inspection room as required; 7、根据需要,负责宠物食品检验室的策划和建设工作; 8. Organized special knowledge training for pet food for the project team as required; 8、根据需要,对项目团队组织进行宠物食品专项知识的培训; 9. Cooperate with the team's project requirements for other operations. 9、配合团队的项目需求进行其他操作。 Job Requirements: 任职要求: 1、College degree or above in pet food related field 1、宠物食品相关专业大专以上学历 2、More than 5 years of pet food quality management experience (dry food, wet food, pet staple food, snack quality management experience is preferred) 2、五年以上宠物食品质量管理从业经验(具备干粮、湿粮、宠物主食、零食质量管理经验为佳) 3、Basic understanding of domestic and foreign pet food regulations and standards 3、基本了解国内外宠物食品法规和标准 4、Have some experience in supplier management 4、具有一定的供应商管理经验 5、Familiar with pet food related inspection 5、熟悉宠物食品相关检测检验 6、Strong principle, strong judgment 6、原则性强、判断能力强 7、Good communication and problem solving skills, down-to-earth work spirit 7、有良好的沟通和处理问题的能力、踏实的工作精神 8、Strong initiative 8、主动性强 9、Good oral English is preferred 9、英语口语优异者为佳