1. Responsible for recruitment and set up the company’s talent pool. 负责公司一线员工招聘并建立公司的人才库 2. Input staff information records and personnel documents, including job description, employee handbook and employment letter 收集、输入员工个人资料,包括工作职责,员工手册和雇用信息 4. Participates welcome training design and training 参与迎新培训设计及培训 5. Be in charge of monthly HR report 负责制作每月HR报表 6. Set up and update employee personal file base on HRS 负责在HR系统中建立并更新员工档案 7. Set up & implement yearly training plan (internal & external), update employee training record. 年度培训计划(内训与外训)制订执行,建立并更新员工培训档案 8. responsible to handle employee in and out procedure 负责员工入职/离职所有相关手续 9. Responsible for employee team building activity, such as outing, annual dinner etc. 负责组织和管理员工团队建设活动,如旅游、年会等 10. responsible for improving company cultural program 负责推动公司的企业文化建设 11. Other tasks assigned by department manager. 部门经理安排的其他工作任务