任职资格/ Qualification: 教育背景/ Education Background: ◆专业/Major:机械、电子、管理或相关专业/Mechanical, Electronics, Management or Related 学历/Degree:本科以上/BA degree 经 验/ Experience: ◆5年以上精益项目参与经验/5- year experience in Lean Project ◆2年以上精益管理团队领导经验/2-year experience in lean management team leadership 任职要求/ Personnel Requirements: ◆熟练掌握5S、OEE、TPM、 KANBAN、标准作业、线平衡、价值流等精益生产管理知识/ Proficient in 5S, OEE, TPM, KANBAN, standard operation, production line balance, value stream and other lean production management knowledge, tools ◆具备很强的品质管理、流程优化、统筹组织和沟通协调能力/ Strong quality management, process optimization, overall organization and communication skills ◆具有很强的分析问题和解决问题的能力/Strong ability to analyze and solve problems ◆具有良好的中英文书面和口头沟通能力/Good written and oral communication skills in both Chinese and English ◆执着耐心,抗压力强/Persistent patience, strong pressure resistance