1. 根据订单优先性、成品库存、销售预期和生产产能制定主生产计划 Create Master Production Plan based on sales order priority, inventory stock, sales forecast and production capacity 2. 根据主生产计划制订工单并下发到生产线 Create work orders and release them to production line 3. 跟进生产计划达成状况,监控采购物料的到货状态和生产产量,确保及时交货 Follow-up the implementation of production plan and monitor actual material delivery and production output for on-time delivery 4. ERP系统生产计划相关数据的输入、维护和更新 Support ERP data maintenance and update 5. 定期生产计划的分析和报告 Generate and analyze regular reports on production planning 6. 生产工单的开出,关闭和主导月度关帐 Work issued until closed and lead monthly account closing of SCM function. 7. 有节能环保意识,积极参见公司组织的相关活动 Have the awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection, and actively participate relevant activities organized by the company * 完成公司要求的其他任务。 Other work assigned by the company according to the actual operation demand.
任职要求: 1.Familiar with MRP, basicaly supply chian management, SIOP management 精通MRP, 了解供应链管理, 销售,库存和计划管理 2.Familiar with ERP, WORD, EXCEL, PPT and so on, be able to do data analysis independently 精通ERP, 熟练掌握基本办公软件,精通EXCEL, 具有独立分析数据的能力 3.Proficient in reading and writing English/ 读写熟练,基本交流