岗位职责: 1. 制订完善安防制度文件及执行督导。 Establish and improve safety policy, then implement and monitor it. 2. 接受厂区安防系统的新增项目,现场查看根据部门要求制订项目的明细,及时跟踪项目进程。 Lead New Safety project, set up schedule and follow related department to complete on schedule. 3. 接受厂区负责人提出的安防系统故障的排除和维护,对机械老化和故障严重的安防部件,要求维保单位出具 检测报告和维修方案。 Monitor the safety system performance and debug in advance. 4. 对厂区的报修项目根据轻重缓急进行合理安排。 Arrange repair according to importance of the repair project. 5. 根据维保合同监督维保人员对厂区安防系统巡检和厂区设备运行评估报告。 Track the implementation of safety maintenance system, and evaluate the result of supplier’s work. 6. 对消防系统故障及时联系安全部门维修,对新增消防值班人员安排上岗培训。 Coordinate with safety department to repair safety system on time, train new employees. 7. 完成领导交待的临时安防任务。 Other Task assigned by Supervisor. 8.负责工厂安全工作推动,事故预防以及现场隐患稽核。 Responsible for plant safety promotion,accident prevention and hidden danger audit. 9.协助厂区负责人处理突发紧急情况。 Assist plant director to deal with emergency. 10.保障工厂安全生产正常运转的其他工作。 Other work to ensure the normal operation of the factory under safe production. 职责要求: 1.工作积极性高,抗压能力; Positive attitude toward work, can work under pressure. 2.高中或大专以上文化; . Junior college above. 3.具有相关的安防系统的管理经验; Have work experience in safety system. 4.具有强烈的责任心; High responsible for Job. 5.具有员工技能矩阵图的基本技能; Have basic skills as employee skills martrix chart.