

人 · 本科 · 3年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2024/11/22发布

苏州工业园区千人街152号 普洛斯物流园 C22 仓库



Job Description
Role Definition
Supports supply related activities for a facility to deliver excellence and integration between procurement and the team supporting facility.

61 Working as a Project Leader, driving CLC localization forward to improve local content as quickly as possible and to achieve better quality, cost and lead time from local sources, through this to bring significant benefit to stakeholders
61 Collaborating all necessary localization steps such as opportunities definition, RFQ, TCO, ECS, and sample development with internal team as well as with all relevant categories and cross-functions
61 Having an comprehensive understanding of CLC localization and generating necessary report according to various stakeholders’ requirements
61 Relevant assignments based on job demands

Skill Descriptors
Procurement: Knowledge of buying and procurement; ability to work with organizational strategies and practices, and use tools for buying goods, supplies, equipment and services needed to conduct business.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Works with the procurement of services, materials or equipment.
61 Follows established procedures, documentation requirements and approval level requests to conduct procurement activities.
61 Interprets benefits, issues and considerations of using e-procurement.
61 Uses available procurement systems and tools in transactions with approved suppliers.
61 Assists in reviewing the fulfillment of administrative and documentation requirements for the completion of purchase

Data-driven Decision Making: Knowledge of the data-driven decision-making process and associated tools and techniques; ability to gather and analyze data to make organizational decisions that align with strategic business objectives and goals.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Applies an assigned technique for data-driven thinking in a Decision-Making process.
61 Discerns between "signal" and "noise" when interpreting data.
61 Identifies, obtains, and organizes relevant data and ideas.
61 Participates in the process of choosing KPIs and metrics to influence decisions.
61 Utilizes the basic data collection and evaluation tools and techniques.

Analytical Thinking: Knowledge of techniques and tools that promote effective analysis; ability to determine the root cause of organizational problems and create alternative solutions that resolve these problems.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Approaches a situation or problem by defining the problem or issue and determining its significance.
61 Makes a systematic comparison of two or more alternative solutions.
61 Uses flow charts, Pareto charts, fish diagrams, etc. to disclose meaningful data patterns.
61 Identifies the major forces, events and people impacting and impacted by the situation at hand.
61 Uses logic and intuition to make inferences about the meaning of the data and arrive at conclusions.

Effective Communications: Understanding of effective communication concepts, tools and techniques; ability to effectively transmit, receive, and accurately interpret ideas, information, and needs through the application of appropriate communication behaviors.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Delivers helpful feedback that focuses on behaviors without offending the recipient.
61 Listens to feedback without defensiveness and uses it for own communication effectiveness.
61 Makes oral presentations and writes reports needed for own work.
61 Avoids technical jargon when inappropriate.
61 Looks for and considers non-verbal cues from individuals and groups.

Supplier Management - MFG: Knowledge of processes and methods to effectively manage business relationships and transactions with suppliers of raw materials or product components; ability to apply related knowledge, experience and skills into real practice.
Level Working Knowledge:
61 Follows procedures in carrying out routine supplier management tasks.
61 Uses electronic systems or tools to record/retrieve supplier information and carry out transactions with suppliers.
61 Resolves routine supplier issues; escalates non-routine issues up chain of command.
61 Researches alternative vendors or suppliers; participates in supplier selection.
61 Works with suppliers to ensure that purchases meet delivery date and quality specifications.

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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