- pre-processing (CAD-preparation, meshing) and definition of the numerical setup 预处理(CAD准备、网格划分)和定义数值设置 - execution of stationary and transient simulations on devices from the entire K01rcher product portfolio 执行整个K01rcher产品组合设备的稳态和瞬态模拟 - application of the developed simulation methods for carrying out simulation projects 应用开发的模拟方法进行模拟项目 - analysis of the simulation results and development of engineered solutions 分析模拟结果并开发工程解决方案 - creation of reports of the simulation results 创建模拟结果报告 - communication and presentation of the results 沟通和成果展示 - close collaboration with local battery development team at K01rcher China 与卡赫中国当地电池开发团队紧密合作 - support in the development of simulation methods for K01rcher products in close coordination with the simulation team in Germany 支持与德国模拟团队密切协调的卡赫产品模拟方法的开发
Requirements/任职要求: - university degree in mechanical engineering or equivalent 机械工程或相关领域的本科学历 - knowledge of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and numerical simulation 熟悉流体力学、热力学和数值模拟知识 - good knowledge of CAD software, ideally CATIA V5 and ANSYS SpaceClaim 良好的CAD软件知识,熟悉CATIA V5和ANSYS SpaceClaim优先 - ideally knowledge of Ansys Fluent 具备Ansys Fluent知识优先 - ideally experience in the simulation of battery packs 具有电池包模拟经验优先 - very good knowledge of English 英语可以作为工作语言 - analytical skills and strong communication skills 分析技能和强大的沟通技能 - independent and structured way of working 独立和结构化的工作方式 - good problem analysis and problem-solving skills 良好的问题分析和解决问题能力