1、结合医疗器械上市后质量管理相关的法律、法规等有关规定;建立、维护和持续改进后市场相关程序;According to relevant regulations on post market quality management of medical devices ; Establish, maintain, and continuously improve post market quality system; 2、参与对客户投诉的评审,确保投诉评估和调查的完整、充分和及时;Participate in reviewing customer complaints, ensuring the completeness, adequacy, and timeliness of complaint evaluation and investigation; 3、参与对客户投诉相关的纠正预防措施的评审,跟踪相关措施的执行及有效性评估;Participate in the review of corrective and preventive actions related to customer complaints, track the implementation and effectiveness evaluation; 4、负责定期和及时沟通用户反馈及PMS数据和/或趋势分析,组织相关职能部门确定改进机会,并推动持续改进。Responsible for timely communication of customer feedback and PMS data and/or trend analysis, organizing relevant functional departments to identify improvement opportunities, and promoting continuous improvement. 5、参与市场行动和产品召回的评估;Participating in evaluation to field action and product recall; 6、参与不良事件的评估、调查和报告过程;Participate in the evaluation, investigation, and reporting process of adverse events; 7、参与药监部分和第三方机构的外部审计。Participate audits by regulatory authorities and third-parties 任职资格 1、6年以上药品和或医疗器械质量管理经验;有第三类高风险医疗器械上市后质量经验者优先。 6+ years of experience in drug and/or medical device quality management; experience in high-risk class III medical devices is highly preferred. 2、熟悉医疗器械上市后质量管理和上市后监督相关的法规要求; Familiar with PMS management of medical devices; 3、6-sigma绿带优先,尤其是对趋势分析、方差分析、抽样理论等质量工具的应用。6-sigma green belt preferred, particulaly in trending analysis, variance analysis and sampling. 4、出色的团队沟通和协调能力. Excellent team communication and coordination skills.