1. 账户管理:日常Listing维护,确保准确无误并符合亚马逊政策; Account Management: Oversee day-to-day operations of our Amazon seller account, ensuring all listings are accurate, well-optimized, and compliant with Amazon policies;
2. Listing管理:创建和优化Listing,Listing关键词丰富、准确、吸引力强,提高知名度和转化率; Product Listings: Create, optimize, and update product listings, ensuring they are keyword-rich, accurate, and visually appealing to maximize visibility and conversion rates;
3. 库存管理:监控库存水平,分析趋势,并与物流团队合作,确保产品库存充足并及时发货; Inventory Management: Monitor inventory levels, analyze trends, and work with the logistics team to ensure products are in stock and shipped promptly;
4. 定价:通过研究市场趋势和分析竞争对手的定价,制定定价策略,以确保产品的竞争力和盈利能力; Pricing Strategy: Develop competitive pricing strategies by researching market trends and analyzing competitor pricing to ensure our products remain competitive and profitable;
5. 广告和促销:计划并管理亚马逊广告活动(SP,SB,SD等),推动流量、增加转化率和提高投资回报率; Advertising & Promotions: Plan, execute, and manage Amazon advertising campaigns (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, etc.) to drive traffic, increase conversions, and improve ROI;
6. 数据分析:分析关键绩效指标(销售额、流量、ACOS、ROAS等),制定改善计划; Data Analysis & Reporting: Analyze key performance metrics (sales, traffic, ACoS, ROAS, etc.) and generate detailed reports to track performance and identify areas for improvement;
7. 市场调研:持续跟踪行业趋势和竞争对手战略,以发掘新的机会并保持竞争优势。 Market Research: Continuously track industry trends, Amazon updates, and competitor strategies to identify new opportunities and maintain a competitive edge.