Program Manager Responsibility: 项目经理岗位职责: 1. Sales Strategy formulate and implement 销售策略开发和执行 According to customer and market demand, combined with company development plan to formulate sales strategy and annual sales plan 根据客户、市场需求,结合公司发展规划制定销售策略及年度销售计划 Maintaining current markets and identifying new business opportunities and conducting feasibility studies when venturing to new fields 维护现有的客户并积极开发出新的业务以达到销售目标 Collecting and updating the marketing information 收集和及时更新市场信息
2. Product Definition 产品定义 Define the company's product categories, take consideration of the different product needs of different customers, and the direction of product development of target customers 综合考虑不同客户的不同产品需求,以及目标客户的产品发展方向定义公司产品类别 Collating all the product specification / drawing / requirement, align with production / quality assurance 整理、更新所有产品规格/图纸/要求,确保生产/质量保证保持与其一致 Promptly submit the engineering change request to the customer, track the approval process and follow-up all the compliance procedures 及时向客户提交工程变更申请,并追踪批准过程及完善后续合规手续事项
3. Customer Management 客户管理 Define the actions and strategy for Key Accounts, and follow the implementation of this plan in order to meet the target 确定关键客户的行动和策略,并按照该计划的实施情况达成目标 Understand customer and their demands, and solve problems to ensure excellent customer satisfaction levels with no loss of company’s benefit 及时了解客户需求,以确保在保证公司利益无损的情况下达到客户满意度***化 Make the quotation, tracing the tenders; organize the new RFQs technical discussion and feasibility study, price negotiation with customer, until get the PO 给客户报价,并对报价进行跟踪,参与并组织与客户的技术交流,可行性分性,与客户进行体格谈判,直到获取订单 Negotiating long term contracts, new production pricing (annual productivity, design and/or process change related, new product, etc.), warranty terms & conditions, prototype prices 谈判长期合同,新的产品定价(年度生产力,设计和/或过程变更相关,新产品等),质保条款和条件,样品价格 Follow up on the customer satisfaction investigation 跟踪客户满意度调查 Support finance department for unusual money collection, to ensure the accounts receivable account rate 配合财务部门完成异常收款,保证应收账款到账率
4. Other 其他 Yearly Budget preparation 年度预算编制 Other duties assigned by General Manager 完成总经理交代的其它事宜
- Bachelor degree, major in Marketing / Business Development / Chemical, with 2 to 5 years working experience 学士学位,市场营销/业务发展/化学,有2至5年的工作经验 - Good at written and oral English 英语书写和口语流利 - Proper usage of office tools to well format & present a message 熟练使用办公工具,能以完整适当的形式展示汇报信息 - Autonomous working, self-driven, able to understand a mission and organize work alone 自主工作,自主驱动,能够理解任务,独立完成工作