1、项目初期方案阶段与客户对接,主导项目方案沟通,制作项目报价; 1. Communicate with customers at the initial project plan stage, lead project plan communication, and make project quotation; 2、准备技术协议,协调沟通项目技术协议签核; 2. Prepare technical agreement, coordinate and communicate project technical agreement signing and approval; 3、召开项目启动会议以及项目成员确定; 3. Hold project initiation meeting and identify project members; 4、项目成本控制,材料、人力以及其他成本的控制; 4. Project cost control including material, labor and other cost control; 5、项目计划、进度、时间节点的控制; 5. Control of project plan, schedule and time node; 6、协调处理项目过程中出现的问题; 6. Coordinate and deal with problems arising during the project; 7、完成项目中额外费用的增减与客户的确认; 7. Complete additional cost increase or decrease in the project and confirm with the customer; 8、组织设备工厂内FAT工作; 8. Organize FAT work in equipment factory; 9、发出指令走设备发货流程; 9. Issue instructions to follow the equipment delivery process; 10、客户现场设备安装、调试、验收、培训工作; 10. Equipment installation, commissioning, acceptance, training work at customer site; 11、项目文档归档、项目人员考核等文档性工作; 11. Project document archiving, project personnel assessment and other documentation work.
任职要求: 1、机械或相关专业类本科学历 1. Mechanical or related major; 2、5年以上项目管理工作经验,自动化行业优先 2. At least 5 years project management experience, automation industry preferred; 3、熟练使用各种办公软件 3. Skilled use of various office software; 4、具有较强的沟通能力和团队合作精神 4. Strong communication skills and team work spirit; 5、较好的英语沟通能力,英语4级为必要条件 5. Good English communication skills, CET-4 is required.