To strengthen the clients relation through visits, presentations of offers, etc, advancing to their necessities. To investigate and predict the markets evolution. To analyze new trends and feedback from customer To carry out competition market studies. To administer his team, insuring effectiveness, development and motivation. Conduct training for sales team. 任职资格: 1、 本科及以上学历; 2、 5年及以上汽车行业相关营销工作经验; 3、 熟悉主机厂业务,渠道资源丰富,有国际Tier 1 客户资源者优先; 4、 对产品的运作,销售渠道有全面的了解。 5、 拥有高度责任心和团队合作精神。 具备敏锐的商业意识,有较强的应变能力和较开阔的视野和见识,积极向上,具备较强的学习能力、口头表达与沟通能力;具备良好的统筹规划与开拓创新能力;