主要工作职责: Job responsibilities: 1. 负责挤出机设备的领料,组装,检验等整个流程。 Responsible for extruder material picking, assembly and inspection. 2. 装配前检查物料用量和BOM(英文)物料是否一致。 Responsible for material checking to BOM list. 3. 装配过程中检验设备是否按要求组装及跟踪装配进度。 Responsible for checking the assembling procedure. 4. 记录,反馈装配中出现的问题以及FAT的进度和问题。 Responsible for record the problem in assembling and FAT. 5. 管理车间工具,工装及生产耗材。 Responsible for tool management and consumables 6. 新设计的组装,测试,问题记录,反馈。 Responsible for testing new design and recording the problem. 7. 客户现场机械组装或更换的支持。 Responsible for part assembling or exchanging in customer site. 8. 项目部安排的其他任务。 Other arrangement from project department 9. 公司管理层,员工手册和直属领导交办事项与职责。 All other duties requested by line manager, employee handbook and company management. 任职资格: Qualification: 1. 专科及以上学历,机械专业。 College degree or above major in mechanical. 2. 3年以上相关工作经验。 At least 3 years of experience in production or assembly. 3. 能看懂零件图,装配图。 Reading part drawing and assembly drawing . 4. 能看懂英文物料清单。 Good English in reading. 5. 良好的沟通能力,有团队精神以及较强的独立思考意识和自我提升意愿。 Good communication skills, strong team spirit, self-driven. 6. 沟通能力强,逻辑清晰,并能承担压力。 Good communication skills, logical thinking, able to work under pressure. 7. 工作积极主动,踏实细心,有责任心。 Proactive, work carefully, and have strong sense of responsibility. 8. 能接受短期出差。 Business travel for short period.