1、负责各项安全巡查及记录工作,降低经营安全风险隐患。 Be responsible for the safety inspection and record work in the company to reduce the potential risk of operation safety 2、安全标准化文化的执行落实与监督 Implementation and supervision of safety standardization culture 3、组织建立并完善环保、安全、健康的管理体系 Organize the establishment and improvement of environmental protection, safety and health ***-agement system 4、制定公司的安全、环境、职业卫生年度工作目标 Establish the company's annual objectives for safety, environment and occupational health 5、负责公司EHS事故的调查、处理 Be responsible for the investigation and handling of EHS accidents in the company 6、参与生产设备、工艺变更的EHS风险评估, 危废处置管理 Participate in EHS risk assessment of production equipment and process changes, and hazardous waste disposal management 7、通过层层分工和落实,***限度地减少企业生产过程中,对环境的污染和破坏,对员工身体健康的危害,对公司财产的损失 Minimize the pollution and damage to the environment, the harm to the health of employees and the loss of the company's property in the production process of the company through the division of work and implementation at all levels 8、保护环境,减少事故,保证职工身体健康,提高企业的社会和经济效益 Protect the environment, reduce accidents, ensure the health of employees and improve the social and economic benefits of the company 9、协助生产部门完成生产任务 Assist the production department to complete the production task 10、完成上级安排的其他任务 Finish other tasks assigned by leaders 11、负责能源管理相关工作,具体按照能源小组的分工要求 Responsible for energy management related assignments, according to requirement of energy management team
知识以及技能要求 Knowledge & Skill Requirements
1、本科学历,安全工程或环境工程、或工程类相关专业 Bachelor degree, major in safety engineering or environmental engineering, or engineering related 2、对工业企业的安全管理有三年以上的经验,文字功底过硬 At least three years working experience in the safety management of production industry, have ex-cellent writing skills 3、熟悉国家安全法律法规以及当地环保政策,有OHSAS 18000、ISO 14001体系审核员资格为佳,注册安全工程师资格的优先考虑 Be familiar with national safety laws/ regulations and local environmental protection policies, have OHSAS 18000 and ISO 14001 system auditor qualification is preferred, and the qualification of reg-istered safety engineer is the best. 4、责任心强,良好的沟通能力和英语表达能力 Strong sense of responsibility, good communication and English expression skills 5、制造业工作背景优先 Manufacturing background preferred