

人 · 本科 · 5年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2025/02/24发布





电子商务 E-commerce
1. 参与制定电子商务相关的战略计划,并在技术实施层面进行组织落实,以支持公司目标的完成。
Paticipate the E-commerce strategic plan, and lead to implement from the technical side, to support to achieve the company objective.
2. 与销售团队合作,维护现有电子商务客户,开发新的电子商务客户。分析客户需求,以确定运营方案。
Work with sales team to maintain existing e-commerce customers and develop new e-commerce customers. Analyze customer requirements to determine operation plans.
3. 作为客户与总部之间的技术沟通窗口,保持与Hahn+Kolb总部电子商务团队的高效沟通,以支持实现与客户之间的电子商务对接。
As the key windows between the customer and headquarter, maintain efficient communication with e-commerce team of Hahn + Kolb headquarters, to realize the E-commercial integration with customers . Including but not limited to
a) 针对所有电子商务平台管理及相关数据/参数对接,如OCI, EDI, E-catalog,以及相关客户的产品信息更新优化等。
Manage all e-commerce interfaces of the related data/parameter, including but not limited to OCI, EDI, e-catalogue, and responsible for the optimization of the product information to support business development.
b) 公司官方网站的维护优化
Maintenance and optimization of the company official e-shop.
4. 根据业务开发需求,对接第三方MRO及电子商务平台,维护、运营公司产品,包括但不限于
Followed with the business development, connect with the third-party MRO and e-commerce platform, maintain and operate the company's products, including but not limited to,
a) 作为技术沟通窗口,对接第三方MRO技术部门,匹配客户与平台之间的需求,完成产品推送
As the technical contact window, work with MRO technical department, to match the requirements between customer and platform, to complete the product on line.
b) 监督管理第三方电子商务平台及服务商的工作完成度
Monitor and manage the 3rd party’s & service agent’s job completion.
c) 组织收集产品信息,并确保所有被推送的产品信息传输正确
Lead to collect the products information, ensure all product been promoted with correct data.
d) 与销售团队合作,对电子平台上的产品进行必要的信息维护
Cooperate with Sales team, maintain the on-line shops info.
e) 管理MRO 平台的销售记录并根据需求提供数据分析
Manage the sales record from MRO platform, and provide necessary data analysis.

信息技术Information Technology
1. 负责公司信息化管理优化,以及IT硬件和网络设备的管理和维护
Responsible for optimizing the complany’s information management, and in charge of the IT and network equipment management and maintenance,
a) 确保设备处于良好的状态
make sure all in good conditions and situation
b) 满足集团要求的IT 合规化和文件信息管理
IT compliance and document/information management that meet the group's requirements
c) 公司内部所有IT 设施的配备和管理
Manage all IT facilities within the company
d) 根据公司管理需求,开发管理必要的信息化流程优化
Develop necessary information technology process optimization for management based on company management needs
2. 风险管理:识别和评估IT风险,采取相应的措施保护公司的信息和数据安全
Risk Management: Identify and evaluate IT risks, take appropriate measures to protect IT & data security.
3. 项目管理和战略制定:负责IT项目的策划、执行和监控,确保项目按时交付、符合预算和质量标准。
Project Management and Strategy Development: Responsible for the planning, execution and monitoring of IT projects to ensure projects are delivered on time, on budget and to quality standards.
4. 部门的预算计划和跟踪,所有相关设施和维护的成本统计
Department's budget planning and follow up, cost statistics for all related facility and maintenance.
5. 制定IT战略和计划:为公司提供技术支持和解决方案;管理项目预算,确保合理使用资源并控制成本
Develop IT strategies and plans to provide technical support and solutions for the company; manage project budgets to ensure rational use of resources and control costs
6. 供应商管理:选择/管理合适的IT产品和服务供应商。
Supplier Management: Select proper IT product and service supplier.
7. 其他由直线上级和公司安排的工作
Other work arranged by the line manager and the company


1. 电子商务、工商管理、数字营销或相关专业学士学位或证书
Bachelor’s Degree or certificates in a Business Administration, Ecommerce, Digital Marketing, or related discipline
2. 5年以上电子商务及IT软件开发和维护管理相关工作经验
5+ years relevant work experience in ecommerce & IT software development and maintenance management.
3. 熟悉企业信息化管理SAP系统运维。
Familiar with enterprise information management, SAP system operation and maintenance
4. 具有实施电子商务和运维的能力和经验,熟悉OCI、E-Cat、Punchout、Ariba等电子商务的对接
Ability and experience in implementing e-commerce and O&M, familiar with e-commerce interfaces such as OCI, E-Cat, Punchout, Ariba, etc.
5. 具有构建和运维网上商城的基本能力和经验
Basic competence and experience in building and operating an online shop
6. 有同MRO电商平台(JD工业品、ZKH、西域等)合作项目经验者优先。
Experience in collaborative projects with MRO e-commerce platforms (JD Industrial, ZKH, Westfield, etc.) is preferred.
7. 具有企业家创新精神,热情,以客户为中心,有很强的判断力和创造力以及问题解决能力。在电子商务领域取得过成功的经验,熟悉电子商务业务。
Entrepreneurial spirit, innovative spirit, enthusiasm, customer-centered, strong judgment, creativity and problem-solving ability. Successful experience in the field of e-commerce and familiar with e-commerce business.
8. 项目管理和分析能力
Project management and analytical skills
9. 对电子商务技术有高度的能力和热情,对可用性有全面的理解。有创造性和前瞻性。能够了解电子商务的***方案以及实际的问题解决方案。
Demonstrates a high level of competence and passion for ecommerce technology and a comprehensive understanding of usability. Creative and forward-thinking. Needs to understand the ecommerce best practices as well as practical solutions to problems.
10. 擅长在电子商务环境中开发业务案例和量化用户体验增强项目的成本/收益
Skilled at developing business cases and quantifying the cost/benefit of user experience enhancement projects in an ecommerce environment
11. 具有较强的组织、人际关系、沟通和表达能力,以及良好的协作能力和团队合作能力
Strong organizational, interpersonal, communication and presentation skills, and demonstrate collaborative skills and ability to work well within a team
12. 能够与同事和高级管理人员一起工作并影响他们
Ability to work with and influence peers and senior management
13. 能够在快节奏和期限导向的环境中工作
Ability to work in a fast-paced and deadline-oriented environment
14. 流利的英语听说读写能力
Fluent in both oral and written English
15. 身心健康
Good mental and physical conditions

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